Submission and Examination of the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034)
These pages present assessments, evaluations and evidence that were submitted alongside the Submission Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034) (the Local Plan) for examination, along with assessments, evaluations and evidence submitted during the examination process.
The pages include supporting evidence relating to several different issues, including the environment, housing, economy, infrastructure and delivery.
Examination of the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034)
Following submission of the Local Plan for examination we received the Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions, and a programme for Examination Hearings. The Hearings were initially held in July and October 2019 (Previous hearing sessions programmes for Matters A-I from July to October 2019). The Inspector issued a Post Hearing Note in March 2020, and we then organised a series of three consultations on Main Modifications to the Local Plan to respond to the issues raised through the examination process. The consultations were held in 2020, 2021 and 2023. A further Hearing was also held in July 2022, following the 2021 Main Modifications consultation.
Over the period of the examination we exchanged correspondence with the Inspectors and published further evidence and papers connected with the Local Plan’s examination. All correspondence between the Inspector, third parties and ourselves was exchanged through the Programme Officer. For transparency, and information purposes, relevant documents exchanged during this period are published on the web pages relating to the local plan’s examination in an Examination Library.
During the early part of the examination the Programme Officer maintained a table of correspondence between the Inspector, the council and third parties (26 March 2019 to 10 October 2019). As the examination progressed, we maintained the Examination Library web pages with key correspondence and documents. Documents in the Examination Library pages that were issued by the Inspectors are prefixed with abbreviation COR and those submitted by the council and other third parties with the abbreviation SD. The Inspectors report into the Local Plan’s examination cross references a number of the SD documents in the Examination Library. The documents relating to the consultation on Proposed Main Modifications are prefixed with the abbreviation MMCD, those documents relating to the consultation on Further Proposed Main Modifications with the abbreviation FMMCD and those relating to Supplementary Proposed Main Modifications with the abbreviation SMMCD.