Purbeck area adopted local plan

The adopted Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034) (the Local Plan) forms the main basis for taking decisions on planning applications and development in the Purbeck area, together with the Swanage Local Plan 2017, made neighbourhood plans and the Minerals and Waste Plans. 

We adopted this Local Plan on 18 July 2024. The main body of the Local Plan text that, includes development strategies, details of the policies and site-specific proposals, and an interactive Local Plan policies map: Neighbourhood plans in Purbeck are that were made before the Purbeck Local Plan is adopted become part of this development plan.
These plans sit alongside the Local Plan together with:

Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment 

The Local Plan was subject to a Sustainability Appraisal which aimed to promote sustainable development by ensuring that the key environmental, social and economic issues for Purbeck were considered during the development of the Local Plan. Sustainability Appraisals must be undertaken iteratively throughout the plan making process. Copies of the appraisals which were undertaken through the preparation of the Local Plan area available: Habitats Regulation Assessments were also undertaken throughout the plan making process, the latest assesses the final main modifications. All of the Habitats Regulations Assessments relating to the preparation of the Purbeck Local Plan area are available: Other assessments:

An updated Equalities Impact Assessment has been produced.

Inspectors’ report 

As part of the public examination of the Local Plan, Planning Inspectors independently assessed whether it had been prepared in accordance with planning policy and legislation.

Examination hearings took place between July 2019 and October 2019, and separately in July 2022, to consider whether it complied with the tests of ‘soundness’ in national planning policy and the requirements in legislation.

We received the final report from the Inspectors appointed to examine the Local Plan on 7 May 2024. The Inspectors report summarises their assessment of the Local Plan and includes an Appendix with recommended Main Modifications. Links to the Inspectors Report and Main Modifications:

Additional modifications

We have also prepared a schedule of Additional Modifications. The schedule lists minor changes to correct typographical errors, paragraph numbering, minor textual changes etc that were either so minor or otherwise have no bearing on soundness matters. 
Schedule of Additional Modifications (May 2024)

Where to find the plan 

Please note that Neighbourhood Plans on the interactive mapping are only updated periodically. For the latest information please refer to the Neighbourhood Plan page

Paper copies of the Local Plan are available to purchase from council offices at County Hall in Dorchester. We will provide bespoke costs for printing documents on application.

Copies of the documents set out above are available for inspection at:
  • County Hall in Dorchester
  • libraries across Purbeck
  • town council offices in Lytchett Minster and Upton, Swanage and Wareham