If you have a disability or illness, moving home might let you look after yourself. Or you can get your own home where there is care or support day and night.

Move home to live more independently with a disability

You can think about moving instead of adapting your home for your disability or health condition. It can be a way for you to more easily look after yourself.

Apply for council social housing to meet your needs. Or buy or rent a home right for you. You can search for homes suitable for wheelchair users, like a bungalow.

If your home is not suitable for you:

Move to a home with care or support for your disability or illness

If you need more support to stay independent, you can get this in a new home.

You can have your own home in a community with help on hand 24 hours a day with supported housing. You are eligible if you qualify for care and support.

Or, if you own your home, a home with support to buy or part-buy (shared ownership) might be for you.

Find out how by:

Get help to move to a home that is right for you

If moving might meet your needs, find out if you can get financial help to move.

You could get a loan to help with moving costs if you get income support or pension credit. Find out if you qualify for a budgeting loan (Gov.uk).

If you get housing benefit or universal credit, you might qualify for help with moving costs or deposit. Find out if Discretionary Housing Payments could help.

And you might get financial help with moving if you are in social housing and have more bedrooms than you need. Find out if you might qualify for a cash incentive:

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