There are many ways you can get extra help to do things day-to-day. This way, you can stay living in your own home and not think about a care home until you need to.

Find out about what support is on offer in Dorset, and how to get care that is right for you.

Think about the type of help you need

Before you start looking, think about the different things you may need help with

/adult-accessSupport is available in a variety of ways for example, if you need help to prepare food and drink there may be equipment that could help or if you need help around the house you may like to think about employing a cleaner 

Think about the different types of care and support available

Only you know what it is most important to you

You may like to make a list of the things you need support with, how often and what time of day.

If you need a small amount of help in your own home. Homecare could be something to consider. Or alternatively you may wish to employ a personal assistant.

If you would like to think about opportunities to get out and meet with others day services could be for you.

If you need more than a small amount of help at home live-in care could be for you. Or alternatively you may like to think about moving into housing with care.

Where to find the care you are looking for

Check out what is available in Dorset

If you know the type of care you need, find out what is available in Dorset.

To find the care you are looking for you could consider:

If you would like some help finding and arranging care, you could try Age UK Finding and arranging social care.

Prepare for conversations with care providers

Think about what you may like to ask

Make a shortlist of the companies you have found and get some ideas on questions to ask.

You may wish to view the most recent inspection report from the Care Quality Commission.

Preparing to meet the carer or visit the care home

Comparing services on offer

If you can, meet the carers or visit the care home. You may like to take someone with you such as your family, a friend or a carer. 

Preparing a list of things you would like to ask and make a note of responses and your initial thoughts and impressions, if visiting more than one you can compare them later.

If you need help with transport door-to-door community transport maybe available.

Make your decision

Think back to what is most important to you

Having met with the carer or visited the care home think about whether they can provide what you are looking for.

Think back to your first impressions, the notes you have made and this will help you to make a choice.

If you are having difficulty in finding choices that would work for you, you can get help.

Care Home Selection can help to find and arrange care call on 0800 008 7193

Or for further information and advice contact Adult Social Care.