A full Council Tax bill assumes that 2 or more adults live in a dwelling. Certain people can be disregarded for Council Tax purposes. If you are disregarded then it means that we do not count you when we work out the number of people living at your dwelling.

People that are disregarded

Education and training:

Medical and health:

Certain kinds of job:

Other disregarded people:

Am I entitled to a discount?

It will depend on your situation:

  • if all the adults in your dwelling fit into one of the above categories - you may be entitled to a discount
  • if there is only one adult in your dwelling that does not fit into the above categories - you may be entitled to single person discount
  • if there is more than one adult in your dwelling that does not fit into the above categories - you are not entitled to a discount

However, in exceptional circumstances, we may award discretionary Council Tax discounts of up to 100%. Any application, with supporting evidence, must be made in writing to us.

Apply for a single person discount

To apply for a single person discount:

Start now


Apply for a discount

To apply for or cancel a discount or exemption please contact us.

You will need to provide:

  • your council tax reference
  • your full names
  • your address
  • the discount you wish to apply for, for example single person discount
  • the date you wish to claim the discount from or the date the change in your circumstance is taking place
  • a contact telephone number  


We'll review your disregard every year to check that you are still entitled to it.
If you don't return the review form then your disregard may be cancelled.

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