Sign in to your childcare account to apply for, reconfirm or manage your 30 hours free childcare and/or Tax-Free Childcare.
Follow these steps to sign in to your account:
- Visit the Childcare Service website and select sign in.
- You will then get asked questions about your youngest child's age.
- Sign in using your Government Gateway ID. You will have been sent this when you applied.
- You have reached the childcare service account screen.
Find your eligibility code for 30 hours free childcare
Follow these steps to find your eligibility code for 30 hours free childcare:
- Sign in to your account.
- Select '30 hours free childcare' to see your eligibility code. Most codes will start with 500*.
- Find your code in 'secure messages'. In this section there will be an online style letter which will include your code.
*Some parents have a temporary code starting with '11'. You will have received this on the phone and in a letter from HMRC.
Find your unique reference number for Tax-Free Childcare
Follow these steps to find your unique payment reference number:
- Sign in to your account and click on 'secure messages'.
- Here you'll find your 'eligibility responses' for each child.
- The eligibility responses will include your child's unique payment reference number.
You'll also find your welcome pack under 'secure messages'. This has information about how to make payments into and out of your childcare account.
I still can't access my account
If you're still struggling to get into your account, contact the HMRC Childcare Service helpline: