All pupils of compulsory school age are entitled to a full-time education. In very exceptional circumstances, there may be a need for a temporary part-time timetable to meet their individual needs. This is where it is in a pupil’s best interests.
This could be where a medical condition prevents a pupil from attending full-time education. A part-time timetable is considered as part of a re-integration package. A part-time timetable should not be used to manage a pupil’s behaviour. A part-time timetable must only be in place for the shortest time necessary. It is not a long-term solution.
Any pastoral support programme or other agreement should have a time limit. By this point the pupil is expected to attend full-time. This could be at school or with alternative provision.
There should also be formal arrangements in place for regularly reviewing it. This must take place with the pupil and their parents. In agreeing to a part-time timetable, a school has agreed to a pupil being absent from school for part of the week or day. The school must treat the absence as authorised.
Read more on part-time timetables.