Support for children in the early years
We want all children in Dorset to have the best possible start in life. Helping them, and their families to be ready and excited for the move onto school. Sometimes, children and their families need a little more help with this. The support you can access is provided through a variety of places including:
- early years settings
- Family Hubs
- Health Visiting Services
- library services
- Children's Services Locality Teams
Early years settings
We provide information, advice and training to our early years settings. Helping them meet the needs of our youngest children.
We advise early years settings about:
- appropriate learning experiences
- supporting children to enjoy learning through play
- implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework
We do this in a variety of ways including through a Best Start in Life Adviser. Our former Portage Consultants, and Early Years Support and Advice Officers became Best Start in Life Advisers on 1 June 2024.
Best Start in Life Adviser
The Best Start in Life Adviser helps settings to support young children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) before they start school. Specifically children whose development is severely delayed in at least two 'areas of development'. This could be:
- speech, language, and communication
- physical development
- personal, social and emotional development
- their thinking, understanding and learning
We support families to learn together through play, we also:
- visit some families in their home
- promote inclusion in the community for young children and their families
- encourage families to access the Local Offer of support for children with SEND
- support early years practitioners to meet the needs of all children
Find out more about the role of a Best Start in Life Adviser.
Home visits
For some children we offer short term visits in your home. To begin with, this will be every two weeks for a period of time depending on the needs of your child and family. After that children can access support by attending an early years setting.
Accessing early education is beneficial for all children. It can support them to build relationships and extend their learning from home.
This helps them be ready for the next phases in their life. We recommend all children attend a local early years setting. We want them to make friends, have fun and develop their independence.
We are members of the National Portage Association. We promote the use of 'Portage Principles' in homes and settings. You can find out more about Portage on the National Portage Association website.
Support we provide
We understand that children's needs change over time. The level and type of support may need to change to meet those needs. We can offer support in several different ways depending on the circumstances. We have listened to our families and the things they have told us make a difference. Parents have told us they like:
- a named contact who knows their child
- practical tips and ideas to use at home
- support with speech and language
- someone visiting your home and support in your child’s early years setting
- a warm welcome from toddler groups, play sessions and libraries
- a clear route to find the information yourself
- the opportunity to link with other families in similar situations
- being able to access community activities
We will be strengthening the support for children and families:
- in homes and early years settings
- through regular stay and play sessions with speech and language support
- through our health visiting services, Family Hubs and Libraries
Funding support in the setting
If your child receives Disability Living Allowance and they attend an early years setting you should let the setting know.
Childcare providers, including registered childminders may be able to get Disability Access Funding (DAF) to support the needs of children with SEND in their setting. This could be used to pay for:
- special equipment
- resources
- training
Speak to your provider to find out more.
Early SEND support funding
Early SEND support is to ensure the inclusion of all children not yet attending school with emerging and additional needs. Early SEND Support funding is where we make payments directly to a nursery, pre-school, or childminder to help them meet the needs of children with SEND in their childcare setting.
If you think your child has SEND or you're worried about your child's development speak to your early years provider about your concerns.
Your provider will speak to you if they think some additional SEN support could help your child. As part of this support they may apply for funding which would require your consent. We will gain your consent by email. They may also ask for advice from certain services if you agree to it.
Services they may consult include:
- an educational psychologist
- a Best Start in life Adviser
- a specialist teacher
- an early years support and advice officer
- a health visitor or other health professional
Education, health and care plan (EHCP) assessments
Find out more about the EHCP process.
Some children in early years settings need further support and with your agreement the setting can request an EHC needs assessment. This may lead to an EHCP which is reviewed every 6 months for children under 5 years.
How to access support
Parents and carers can contact the Children's Advice and Duty Service (ChAD).
When you call us we can talk to you about confidentiality and how we are going to use any information you give us. Speak to a practitioner today if you have any worries or concerns about a child or young person.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8am to 10pm
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays: 9am to 10pm
Children's Advice and Duty Service (ChAD)
Name: Single point of contact for safeguarding concernsTel: 01305 228866
Full contact details