We need as much information from you about your proposals as possible.
Depending on the type of development, this will normally include at least:
1. Our completed online pre-application form. This should include:
- your details and contact information
- you preferred choice for response
- any consultees you think we should include
2. A full description of your proposal. This should include any relevant history you know about the site.
3. A location plan with the site outlined with a redline.
4. Plans to show the development proposed. This should include any added floor space or enlargements clearly identified. These should be scaled plans which include:
- elevations
- sections
- photos or sketches - photos are often very useful to understand the proposal and its context
If not scaled, measurements of the proposed development should be included.
5. Payment is required at the time of submission, view our pre-application fees.
Complex or significant proposals
Complex proposals will need more information. You may need to take advice to help you prepare this information from:
- an independent planning specialist
- specialist consultants
We cannot insist that you provide this level of information at this stage. It will help us to provide more detailed advice if you can.
A topographical site survey
other information to help us understand existing and proposed site levels in relation to the surrounding area. This may include photos.
A copy of reports or assessments that have already been undertaken. This could be:
- draft design and access statements
- planning statements
- tree surveys
- heritage statements
- drainage reports
- ecological surveys
- structural surveys
- landscape and visual impact assessment
- landscape visual appraisal
- viability assessments
- draft legal agreements
When we get your application, we will check if you have sent enough information to help us understand:
- the site
- its surroundings
- the proposed scheme
If we need more information, we will contact you.
Timescale for issuing written advice will only begin once we have enough information and we have received the appropriate fee.
Apply now
Contact Planning
If you need help applying, contact planning.