Dorset Council expects all new development to be of the highest quality, and the role of the independent Dorset Design Review Panel (DDRP) has a key role in
- providing independent advice to applicants and their design teams, committees, and officers
- helping in the preparation or determination of applications to meet both national and local policy expectations
- creating opportunities to inform future policy development
Design West has been invited to set up the new Dorset Design Review Panel (DDRP). An independent body comprising architects, urban designers, landscape architects, engineers, transport planners, heritage experts and other design-related professionals. Panel members have a local interest and recognised expertise in their field to provide design support in the assessment of development proposals.
Design Review & the National Planning Policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 133 requires local planning authorities
to have regard for the outcome of design-led processes. This includes recommendations
made by design review panels. Establishing the new DDRP will ensure consistent advice
across Dorset.
Other statutory consultees may be invited such as the Highway Authority. If applicable,
agencies such as Historic England, Natural England or the Environment Agency may attend.
The meetings will be held where possible at Council offices or on returning schemes, online.
Before the review
The DDRP will invite the applicant to submit:
- background information of a scheme
- lead a site visit prior to the DDRP
- present their proposal to the Panel.
The DDRP will ask clarification questions and then discuss the scheme’s design. The Panel
Chair will coordinate the discussion and summarise recommendations at the end of the
meeting. Applicants will receive a report within ten working days after the meeting.
If there is a follow-up review, Design West will try to ensure that the same panel members
attend for continuity. Elected Members and Parish Councils can be invited to observe the DDRP proceedings.
How to submit a scheme for review
The service applies to all pre-application submissions for:
- major schemes and
- other proposals where the development is considered sensitive in its setting.
The Design West Planning Fees & Charges report provides further information. It strongly
encourages the use of the design review at an early stage in the planning process. Where a
project has been to design review, Dorset Council will consider the DDRP’s
recommendations in the planning and decision-making process.
Design review may also be recommended for submitted applications.
Planning Officers will advise whether your scheme is appropriate for design review. They
will refer you to Design West to discuss the process and to submit a booking form.
The costs are:
- £2,500 + VAT for a 1.5 hour session
- £3,950 + VAT for a 4-hour session
- £4,950 + VAT for a 6-hour session
You can book a design review on the Design West website.