Registered childcare providers must do all they can to meet the needs of every child in their care. They do this in discussion with parents and other professionals. They must clearly explain if there are situations where they can't meet the needs of a child.
All registered childcare providers are expected to follow the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years.
Childcare providers have a trained special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) who arranges additional support for children with SEND. Childminders are always their own SENCO.
A SENCO's job is to:
- support children with SEND
- work with parents to help their child
- work with our SEND support services
- work with other professionals, such as health services
Childcare providers support children through the graduated response in the same way schools do. This helps them learn more about your child and how they can make good progress. If your child doesn't make good progress with the SEND support offered, the childcare provider and parents may think about requesting a needs assessment for an EHC plan.