The Dorset Historic Towns Project report on Cranborne.
The Historic Urban character of Cranborne is closely bound up with its landscape setting and the quality of its historic fabric. The medieval town plan survives nearly complete, and the location of the church and market are significant in terms of its medieval character. The manor house and gardens are of national historic and architectural significance. The built character of the central part of the former town reflects its urban history, whilst the northern and eastern fringes have a rural feel, reinforced by the passage of the chalk stream through Water Street.
Good survival of the historic layout is complemented by the large quantity of historic buildings. The survival in the historic core of many unbroken groups of buildings with little disruption from modern development, is a major factor which highlights the contribution made by historic elements to Cranborne's urban character. The consistent use of local brick is a unifying feature within the town.
The large number of large mature trees within the town are a significant component of its character and provide many of the prominent landmarks. They provide a visual link with the surrounding woodlands and emphasise the sense of enclosure of the town.
Summary report
Here is a summary of the report (February 2011).
Detailed sections of the report
We have broken down the full report into individual sections, please select one of the parts to read:
- Part 1 and 2 Introduction and overview
- Part 3 and 4 Context and sources
- Part 5.1 and 5.2 Historical development - Medieval and post-medieval
- Part 5.3 and 5.4 Historical development - Nineteenth and twentieth century
- Part 6 Character appraisal
- Part 6 Historic Urban Character Area 1 The Priory Church and Manor
- Part 6 Historic Urban Character Area 2 The Medieval and Post-medieval Town
- Part 6 Historic Urban Character Area 3 North East Cranborne
- Part 7 Research and appendices
Senior Archaeologist, Promotion and Liaison
Name: Claire PinderEmail:
Tel: 01305 224921
Full contact details