You can view the classification of a particular postcode by either using the postcode checker below or by checking the postcode classifications spreadsheet, so you can let us know if the classification truly reflects the broadband coverage in that particular area.

Each postcode has been classified as the name of a colour. White areas are potentially eligible for future investment.

  • white - no existing qualifying gigabit-capable broadband infrastructure with download speeds of 1,000 Mbps is currently in plans for this area, making this postcode potentially part of Project Gigabit 
  • under review - these are areas where suppliers have reported planned commercial gigabit-capable broadband coverage, but those plans have been judged through the OMR as potentially being at risk of not being completed
  • grey - one qualifying broadband infrastructure provider offers gigabit-capable services with download speeds of 1,000 Mbps or more now or plans to within the next 3 years
  • black - more than one broadband infrastructure provider offers gigabit-capable services with download speeds of 1,000 Mbps or more now or plans to within the next 3 years

Check how your postcode has been classified

To view the most relevant data for this service we will need your address. You can select it by entering your postcode.



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