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What nomination means

You do not have to be the owner to nominate it. This means it may have come as a surprise to you when someone else nominated it.

Nominating a building does not automatically mean that it will make it onto the list. Once nominated, we assess assets to see if they meet the standards for inclusion. They are only recommended for inclusion if they meet those standards.

If you want to do work on the asset whilst it is being assessed, there are no extra limitations in place. You will just need the standard planning permissions.

Once reviewed a final list of assets recommended for inclusion will be produced. This list will be subject to public consultation and approval by the council. If the lists of assets are approved, your asset will be recorded as a non-designated heritage asset on the local list.

Inclusion on a list does not automatically mean there will be any extra requirements to carry out work. It also does not mean any financial burdens or requirements to repair or restore an asset.

Once identified, assets become a ‘material consideration’ in the planning process. When we make decisions about planning applications we will consider:

  • the assets heritage significance
  • any effect the work will have on the asset

Sometimes an Article 4 direction is issued for listed assets. Article 4 directions restrict some works to buildings that would normally be considered permitted development. This means that planning permission is once again required for these works.

How to object to a nomination

To object to a nomination, write an explanation of your objection and email it to:

You can also object during the consultation phase. This is when the final list of recommended assets for inclusion opens to the public for comment.  

Objections to nomination or inclusion of an asset need to be made on certain grounds for them to be valid. These are usually that the information provided is inaccurate. This means the asset does not have the required levels of heritage significance to be included on the list.

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