Until April 2019 Christchurch Borough Council and East Dorset District Council were working on a review of the Local Plan. All the evidence generated is now being used to inform the Dorset Council Local Plan development.

What is the scope of the Local Plan Review?

This is an important document which will fully review policies contained in the Core Strategy (adopted in 2014), and older "saved" policies from the Christchurch Borough Local Plan 2001, and the East Dorset District Local Plan 2002. It was originally intended that these would be consolidated into a single plan, however as a result of Local Government Re-organisation, both Councils agreed in February 2018 to produce separate local plans for Christchurch and for East Dorset.

The new local plans review the general development strategy and major allocations set out in the Core Strategy, consider additional major allocations, and review the suite of general and specific policies contained in that document.

The Local Plan Reviews will also contain detailed development management policies for certain forms of development, as well as smaller allocations and designations in existing urban areas, or in some cases rural areas.

Options consultation

An options consultation ended on 3 September 2018. It set out the major policy issues and a range of possible policy options for addressing them. The consultation documents are below:

Regulation 18 consultation 2016

The Regulation 18 Consultation on the scope of the Local Plan Review, including a 'call for sites' took place between September and November 2016.

 These documents were supported by a series of appraisals:

We have also included a summary of the comments received during the Local Plan Part 2 consultation undertaken during March and April 2015, for which the issues are now covered by this full Local Plan Review:

The councils' responses to the comments received are as follows: 

The following are the maps for the sites suggested to us and can be matched to the comments by the 'Comment ID' number: 

Supporting evidence 

Christchurch Borough Council (CBC) and East Dorset District Council (EDDC) undertook a number of studies in order to better understand the potential impacts of our Local Plans (Formally Local Development Frameworks).

These studies provide credible and robust evidence with which to inform documents and policies produced for the Local Plans.

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

Email: planningpolicy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details

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