The Infrastructure Delivery Plan sits alongside the Christchurch and East Dorset Core Strategy and provides information on the range of infrastructure which is to be delivered to support the polices the Core Strategy will set out.

The Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan has been produced and accompanies the Core Strategy Pre-Submission document.  It identifies the means of funding and those responsible for the delivery of infrastructure that will support the draft policies proposed in the pre-submission document.

National Policy Planning Statement (PPS) 12: Creating Strong and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning requires that the Core Strategy should be "supported by evidence of what physical, social and green infrastructure is needed to enable the type of development proposed for the area, taking account of its type and distribution."

Under the draft National Planning Policy Framework, local planning authorities are asked to set out the strategic priorities for the area. These priorities include the provision of infrastructure for transport, waste, energy, telecommunications, water supply and water quality as well as the provision of health, security, community infrastructure and other local facilities. Local planning authorities should work with other authorities and providers to assess the quality and capacity of these priorities.

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