Let’s Talk SEND online events gives Dorset families the chance to speak to SEND professionals

Families with children who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are invited to take part in a live online session titled “Let’s Talk SEND.”
These events provide an opportunity for families across Dorset to engage with practitioners and get their questions answered.
The next online Let’s Talk SEND event will be on the 25 September at 12:30pm.
Dorset Council frequently holds Let’s Talk SEND online events, as part of its commitment to families with special educational needs and disabilities.
The event on the 25 September will be covering the topic of EHCP’s (Education Health and Care Plans) and will give parents and carers the opportunity to have their questions answered on this topic.
EHCP’s identify educational, health and social needs. They set out additional support and measures required to meet those needs for a child or young person.
Parents and carers can virtually join the online session and hear from key members of the SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) team.
Amanda Davis, Corporate Director for Education and Learning at Dorset Council, will host the session, which will be attended by other SEND practitioners from the council, NHS Dorset, SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service), and the Dorset Parent Carer Council.
Cllr. Clare Sutton, Dorset Council Cabinet Member for Children Services, Education and Skills said: “Our Let’s Talk SEND online sessions are a great resource for our SEND families in Dorset.
“Parents and carers will be able to have their questions answered by members of our teams and get the information they need.
“Navigating life as a SEND family can be tricky, and I hope our Let’s Talk SEND events provide the answers and advice your family needs.”
Anyone interested in these sessions can visit this webpage to sign up for the next session, learn more or access questions and answers from previous Let’s Talk sessions: Let's Talk SEND - Dorset Council.
Dorset Council, in partnership with Dorset Parent Carer Council and NHS Dorset, are also holding their first in-person Let’s Talk SEND Week beginning Monday 21 October.
The in-person week will start on 21 October at Kingston Maurward from 10.00 am till 2.00 pm, with a whole range of stalls run by local SEND services, and a live Q&A session – there's no need to book.
As well as Let’s Talk SEND events, parents and carers are also able to access Dorset Council’s SEND Local Offer, which is a valuable resource for families to find information and advice on a range of topics for children and young people (from birth to 25) in Dorset who have SEND.
You can visit the Dorset Council’s SEND Local Offer website here: SEND Local Offer - Dorset Council.
Categories: Children's Services