Our ‘Let’s Talk SEND’ online events give people in Dorset with children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) a chance to come together and hear from the SEND team at Dorset Council. The sessions always include plenty of time for questions and answers (Q and A).

Let's Talk Week 

Families across Dorset are invited to attend the first in-person Let’s Talk SEND Week, starting Monday, 21 October 2024. Organised by Dorset Council, Dorset Parent Carer Council, and NHS Dorset, the week features a range of events for families with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The main event will be held at Kingston Maurward on 21 October 2024 from 10am to 1:00pm, where families can meet professionals from services such as CAMHS, the continence service, short breaks providers and many more. Throughout the week, families will have the opportunity to connect with professionals, ask questions, and meet other SEND families.  

Regional events will be held across Dorset, giving you a chance to meet your local SEND Team. You can get information, advice, and guidance about the local SEND support available.

The events are at:

There will also be an online Q and A session to conclude the week on Friday 25 October 2024 at 11:15am, you will need to register for this event. 

There is no need to book the in-person events in advance, so families are encouraged to drop in at any time during the events.