Working on your behalf, we will ensure that we achieve the best outcomes, continuing to lobby Ministers and Dorset MPs on a regular basis to ensure a fairer deal for Dorset. To achieve our vision for 2024 we will:  

  1. Dorset Local Plan – Take a different approach to Local Plan preparation by being far more strategic, including a two-year extension for having an approved plan. We will continue to work with Homes England and the New Communities Team to deliver a sustainable garden town in Dorset.
  2. Housing for local people - Develop stronger relationships with registered providers (including housing associations), working together to deliver affordable housing to rent. We will build on our investment in council owned temporary accommodation to substantially reduce the dependence on bed and breakfast for those who are homeless and need short-term accommodation.
  3. Climate and Ecological Strategy – Deliver on our agreed policy and commitments and attract government funding to enable us to meet our net zero target by 2040.
  4. Adult Social Care – Change the way we deliver services to ensure we respond to increased demand at a stable and affordable cost.
  5. Children’s Services – Continue to roll out our £37.5m Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) investment programme and undertake the objectives set out in our 2020-2023 Children’s Plan and the Strategic Alliance for Children & Young People.
  6. Assets and Property – Drive our disposal and repurposing programme and maximise the potential of the Dorset Centre of Excellence in Shaftesbury.
  7. Shaping the Integrated Care System – Get a better deal for the council in the partnership that will ensure the best outcomes for those who need our support and achieve affordable costs to the council and the NHS.
  8. Community Safety – Work closely with Dorset Police to ensure we achieve the best outcomes when dealing with local crime and anti-social behaviour. We will work with the Police and Crime Commissioner to make Dorset the safest county in the country.
  9. County Deal – Work with Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council and Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to bid for a County Deal agreement with the government which will enhance and drive economic development, the skills agenda, and attract additional government funding.
  10. Digital Innovation – Continue to pioneer new technologies and create the foundations for long-term economic prosperity. We will work to safeguard and encourage job retention and growth, working with the private sector  

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