We have support services for young people who are facing difficulties.

We can support you if you're:

  • 11 to 19 years old
  • up to 25 years old if you have special educational needs or disability (SEND)
  • up to 25 years old if you're a care leaver

We can support you if you aren't in, or you risk missing:

  • education
  • employment
  • training

Supporting young people to continue education or start work

Our Education, employment, training and re-engagement and support team supports young people who live in Dorset from the age of 16 to 19 (or up to the age of 25 for those most in need).

There are also a number of options for education and training after 16 years old.

Tips for applying to higher education

Read our top tips for applying to higher education.

Organisations that support young people

Mental health and wellbeing support

These organisations give free advice and support:

  • LiveWell Dorset is a free service for people who want to improve their wellbeing
  • Kooth is the online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people
  • YoungMinds for child and adolescent mental health 
  • Mind can help you so you don't have to face a mental health problem alone
  • ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service for young people to anonymously get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support
  • REACH: drug and alcohol advice offers support for people facing issues with addiction in Dorset
  • MOSAIC is a charity that supports bereaved children and young people in Dorset
  • SPACE youth project is an LGBTQ+ charity that runs regular, free youth groups across Dorset
  • Wessex Healthier Together website has help if you're a parent or carer and would like to know more about parenting tips, information about long-term illnesses or where to go if you feel your child is having problems with their emotions

Staying safe

Find out about:

Alcohol and drugs misuse

Find support groups for alcohol and drugs misuse on our Family Information Directory.

Sexual health

Find support and advice about sexual health from these organisations:

Homelessness and housing

Find information:

Support for Young Carers

If you're under 18 years old and look after another person at home, you may be a young carer. There are a number of ways we can help you.

Find out more information on our Young Carers webpage.

Local Offer for care leavers

Find advice and support from our Care Leavers team for anyone leaving Dorset Council care.

Managing your money

Find information to help you manage your money and where to go for support.

Dorset Council Youth Voice

Email: youthvoice@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details