Yes, you can take up a superfast service now.

What does superfast mean?

Superfast broadband (sometimes known as fibre broadband) simply describes any broadband service that offers speeds of 24Mbps or more. 

The higher the speed, the faster data can be downloaded to your home – and the more people can access the internet without web pages or streaming video slowing down. 

Get superfast broadband

  • contact your preferred internet service provider and ask what broadband packages are available to you -business and homes can get different packages
  • select a package that suits you and take out a new contract
  • your provider will arrange for your service to be installed and upgraded

Check that you're getting the best deal on your broadband.

Get even faster broadband

Full fibre broadband (also known as FTTP), which brings fibreoptic cable right to your premises, would offer you even faster speeds than what is currently available. The Government provides gigabit voucher schemes to help those not currently in plans to receive a full fibre broadband connection to upgrade. This process may take months or even years. 

Digital skills

21% of people are not confident using the internet. Our Digital Champions will show you how to use a computer safely to access services online.

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