Make a HRDA referral

Any agency can refer a victim's case to the HRDA

About HRDA

High Risk Domestic Abuse (HRDA) is a multi-agency response to high risk cases of domestic abuse in Dorset.

We aim to make it safer for people and their families who are experiencing domestic abuse and are at high risk of harm, and reduce the risk of domestic homicide.

HRDA works to core principles:

  • faster, coordinated and collaborative response to the whole family affected by domestic abuse, including perpetrators and children
  • support and interventions to manage risk are provided closer to the timing of the incident
  • consistent threshold is applied to high risk domestic abuse cases
  • specialist domestic abuse worker ensures the voice of the person is represented at the planning stage
  • a simplified process that enables practitioners to respond to disclosures in a timely way and supports defensible decision making
  • a model that is efficient, effective, takes advantage of digital solutions and based on evidence of best practice
  • addresses the unique needs of all families with protected characteristics
  • has clear measurable outcomes
  • uses existing resources to provide better outcomes

Need for a Multi-Agency approach

There isn't one agency that holds all the information needed to assess the needs and risk of serious harm or homicide to victims of domestic abuse and their children. In most cases, the support of more than one agency is needed to help keep victims safe in the longer-term.

Information can be safely shared across partner agencies through HRDA. This includes other multi-agency bodies such as MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements) and child and adult safeguarding conferences.

Sharing the information gives a clearer picture of the level of risk to the victim and their children. It helps to develop a more comprehensive action plan to identify and agree risks and mitigating factors, with clear ownership to reduce the risk of harm. 

This approach supports the development of a whole family approach in our work.

Responsibility to take action

The responsibility to take appropriate action rests with individual agencies; it is not transferred to the HRDA.

Agencies should not wait until a case has been discussed within HRDA before taking necessary action or giving advice or access to services. It is vital for a victim to receive help before the meeting and the agency to bring this information to the HRDA.

It is important to always follow your organisations safeguarding procedures.


Agencies that make up the HRDA include:

  • Dorset Police
  • Children Social Care
  • Specialist Domestic Abuse Worker
  • Adult Social Care
  • Health
  • Housing
  • Probation
  • Substance Misuse
  • Education (* HRDA Plus)
  • Specialist domestic violence and abuse services providers

Practitioner meetings

Practitioner meetings are held virtually on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 12pm. A monthly management meeting is held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

See further information about the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference).

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