Your personal education plan (PEP) and Pathway Plan
We can look at the support you may need as you start the next stage of your education, training or work. You'll be able to access advice and guidance about your options at any age. We'll ask you how you're doing and record this in your personal education plan (PEP) and Pathway Plan.
Your Personal Advisers or NEET re-engagement adviser will make sure you have full and up-to-date advice about:
If you're not sure what to do with your future we can help you access a project for young people up to the age of 25 who are not in education, employment or training:
Our Where next? section may also help you with options if you're between 14 and 19 years old.
16 to 19 bursary for college or sixth form
If you're aged between 16 and 19 in the September your course starts you can get a bursary of up to £1,200 from the setting where you'll be studying. This will help to cover costs involved in your course, including:
- transport to get you to and from your college or sixth form
- equipment you need
- trips you have to go on
- uniform or suitable clothing
Support if you're a former relevant care leaver in education over the age of 19
If you're over the age of 19 you can apply for support in education from the institution's discretionary learner support fund. There's no set amount you can be entitled to but we will check that you have what you need.
If you're over the age of 19, studying for a level 3 course and have got an Advanced Learner Loan to help with your fees you might also be able to apply for a bursary.
Course fees
Level 2 courses
We may or may not be able to help with the fees for Level 2 courses but we'll talk this through with you.
Level 3 courses
For Level 3 courses with fees you should apply for an L3 Advanced Learner Loan. We can show you how to do this and will explain how you pay this back in the future when you're earning enough money to afford it.
If you go on to complete a course at university you do not have to pay back the Level 3 loan.
We may be able to help with the fees and will consider your plans if you're interested in other learning options like:
- a part-time course
- an online course
- other training courses
If you're claiming Universal Credit you may be able to get help through the Job Centre Flexible Support Fund. Find out more from Turn2Us charity's website.
We will give you a £2,000 bursary over the duration of your course. This will be £500 per year and we'll use your Pathway Plan to agree with you how to spend this over the academic year.
This bursary will be £3,000 if you're studying in London.
If you're studying through the Open University we'll work out an equivalent bursary for you based on the credits you're studying for.
Support during university holidays (vacation) for former relevant care leavers
We can help you with up to £100 per week for vacation costs when you cannot stay in your student accommodation. This is for a maximum of 12 weeks per year.
IT equipment
If you're in education or learning for more than 12 hours per week we'll try and help you with IT equipment (computer or laptop for example) up to the value of £300. This will be your device and you'll need to take care of any maintenance and repair for it.
Help with childcare while studying
If you are in education or training, you could get help towards your childcare costs. This will normally be through a bursary you apply for. If you cannot do this we'll look at your situation and what you need to help with your learning.
If you're at university you can apply for a childcare grant as part of your student finance application.
Pathways to Employment Scheme with Dorset Council
We have a scheme that can offer you employment at Dorset Council through:
- an apprenticeship
- a traineeship
- work experience
You can apply for a £1,000 bursary when you've been on your apprenticeship for 4 months. Your training provider will help you apply for this. You can use this bursary to help you with the travel, clothing and equipment you might need for your course.
If you're doing an apprenticeship and you're paid less than the national living wage we'll help you with a bursary of £200 per month. We'll also help with your travel costs of up to £100 per month for the first year of your training.
If you study through a traineeship you may be able to get a bursary depending on your age. This bursary could help with the cost of getting to your traineeship and work clothes. We'll look at what else you may need to complete your course.
Work experience and voluntary work
Speak with your Personal Adviser about any opportunities you have to take up work experience or volunteering. These are great ways to build your CV and experience. We will look at what you need to do this.
If you're doing work experience or voluntary work for more than 12 hours per week we can give you an incentive payment of up to £30 per week to help towards your additional costs such as: travel, lunches and suitable clothing.
Work clothes and equipment
You can use your personal budget to buy clothes and equipment you might need for work.
Travel to work
You can use your personal budget to help you with the costs of travelling to work.
If you're claiming Universal Credit you can get help with travelling to interviews from the Jobcentre's Flexible Support Fund. This fund might also be able to help you with travelling for your first month while you wait for your first pay day.
Help with childcare while working
If you're claiming Universal Credit and working you can apply to the Jobcentre Flexible Support Fund for help paying for childcare. If you're working and cannot get help with childcare costs we'll look at your money with you and see if there's anything we can do to help.
We run events throughout the year designed to encourage you to think about your future. They're great fun, there's free food and we can help you get there.
Speak to your Personal Adviser for more information. Hope to see you there!