Providing a new primary school as part of Dorset's Basic Need Programme.

The project and background

In order to meet the rising demand for primary school places, as part of Dorset's Basic Need Programme, further capacity was required in Christchurch. In the first year of occupancy on its permanent site the new primary school will accommodate 150 pupils (reception, year 1, year 2, year 3 and year 4).

The single storey building provides:

  • 14 Classrooms
  • large Hall
  • learning resources area
  • 'studio' and practical areas
  • appropriate ancillary and administrative accommodation

Work started in the spring of 2017 and completed in the spring of 2018.

The design

The site is located to the eastern edge of Christchurch, between a residential area to the west and a water treatment works to the east and south. The entrance to the site is via Marsh Lane. The building is located to the eastern side of the site.

The building is steel-framed and single storey with pitched roofs. Accommodation is laid out either side of a top-lit and naturally ventilated central corridor.  Building materials include red brick walls for the main building, blue engineering bricks for the hall and matt flat standing seam aluminium roof.

Although the project was not be subject to a full BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) assessment, a desktop study was undertaken in order to ensure the design meets the criteria required to achieve a BREEAM "very good" rating.

External works and landscape

Landscape and external work at the new Christchurch Primary School included:

  • the retention of important trees and vegetation
  • the provision of hard games court and play areas, positioned on the lowest area of the site. The playing fields are positioned to the south of the school building. 
  • an area for conservation; the paddock at the northern end of the site will remain undeveloped at this stage.

Pedestrian and vehicular access to the school is from Marsh Lane at the northern end of the site between the paddock and the school building. A car park and turning area has been provided. The access drive and parking area has been softened with planting and grass areas.  The school site is secured with fencing and gates which was selected to have the least possible visual impact.

The design team and main constructor

The project at Christchurch Primary School was procured and project managed by Dorset Property.  The design team and main constructor were as follows: -

  • Client: The Asset Management Group for Cabinet, represented by the Director for Children's Services
  • Project manager: Dorset Property
  • Architect: Dorset Property
  • Cost consultant: Dorset Property
  • Mechanical engineer: Dorset Property
  • Electrical engineer: Dorset Property
  • Landscape architect: Dorset Property
  • Structural engineer: Dorset Property
  • CDM 'principal designer': Dorset Property
  • Clerk of works: Dorset Property
  • Main constructor: Morgan Sindall
  • Drainage Engineer: WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff
  • Fire Safety: WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff
  • Acoustic design: Mach Acoustics

Dorset Property

Name: Dorset Property
Tel: 01305 225200
Full contact details