The need for relocatable housing
Over the next ten years there will be an increased demand for social care housing. The reasons for this include discharge from long-term hospital accommodation, moving on from home, or currently living in inappropriate accommodation. The projected requirement has looked at predicted population change, and the circumstances of people currently on social care’s caseload.
Relocatable, modular, housing can help with some of this short-term accommodation need. The buildings are made in a factory and lifted into position on site. They can be designed to meet specific needs, such as wheelchair accessibility.
This type of housing allows us to make use of sites while medium and long-term plans are developed. Permanent housing can be developed alongside relocatable housing, giving people the opportunity to see their permanent house being built and then move when complete, freeing up the relocatable housing units for craning off the site and to a new location.
In Purbeck, and Wareham in particular, there is a lack of social care accommodation and services. There is one residential care home in Wareham. The closest extra care housing is over 15 miles away in Blandford Forum. Purbeck has just 4.3% of the county’s supply of supported living accommodation. We know that there are 41 people in Purbeck who have a need for housing in the next five years. Long term plans will address this demand, but also know, from our caseload, that 33 of these people need accommodation in the next 12 months. This need is not something that we can meet through traditional building programmes.
The project
The former middle school site in Wareham (the buildings have been demolished) is suitable for temporary relocatable housing accommodation. The site can support vulnerable people, create a mixed community and provide short term tenancies while longer terms solutions are developed. This site is close to the town centre, leisure facilities, health facilities, and public transport links.
The proposed location for the relocatable housing is on the existing tarmac hardstanding at the north-west corner of the former school site. Existing trees and hedges will remain.
The standard modular buildings will be adapted and fitted out to suit the various needs. They will be externally clad with coloured metal sheeting and natural Siberian larch timber. The finishes will complement the local environment.
The existing tarmac access road will be used and repaired. Additional street lighting will be added for the new accommodation and car parking areas. As the buildings will be on site for a limited period, a little soft landscaping is proposed.
Car parking spaces for carers, support staff and visitors will be provided. Limited parking will be included for use by tenants with limited accessibility together with spaces for other users.
The accommodation will be on the site for an approximately three years. The site will be redeveloped as part of a site masterplan to provide a health and care scheme in liaison with the community (not part of this project).
Pre-planning submission public information event
A public information event was held at the Wareham Town Hall on 18 October 2018 ahead of a planning application, which will be formally submitted shortly. A copy of the display boards are available for viewing:
Health Hub Sheet 1 - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
Sheet 1a - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
Sheet 1 - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
Sheet 2a - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
Sheet 2 - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
Sheet 3 - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
Sheet 4 - Wareham Relocatable Housing Public Information
If you have any informal comments to make regarding the proposals or any questions regarding the project, please contact Dorset Property.
We encourage and value feedback on the proposals to help shape our thinking however it should be noted that any comments made here will not be considered as part of the formal planning application. These should be submitted via the planning portal when the planning application has been submitted.
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