All parents must complete a Common Application Form. Dorset Council will make appropriate arrangements to ensure that the common application form is available on the Dorset Council’s website.
The website will also display a guide for parents which provides a written explanation of the scheme. Paper copies of the form are available on request or from the website.
Dorset will only consider one school admissions application for each child. This should be completed by the person with parental responsibility who has care of the child for the majority of school days/weeks (unless a Court Order states differently). If there is joint parental responsibility, the applicant must indicate on the application that all those with parental responsibility are aware of and agree to the application and the preferences being made.
The CAF may be used to name up to 3 preferences for schools in Dorset or in any other Local authority. Dorset will inform the maintaining local authority of those applications for schools outside of Dorset. The CAF cannot be used to express a preference for an independent school.
Applications for places at a Dorset School by parents/carers of children resident outside of Dorset should be made through the home local authority. The home local authority will inform Dorset of the preferences made for Dorset schools.
All applications must be received by 23:59 on the national secondary closing date of the 31 October. Applications received after this date and before the late closing date will be treated as ‘late’.
Paper applications may be submitted to a preference school or by post to Dorset School Admissions Team. Parents/carers will have to provide proof of posting or of submission to the school to show it was submitted/posted on or before the 31 October.
Some schools may require applicants to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) in order to apply their oversubscription criteria. The requirement will be stated in the relevant school’s admissions arrangements.
The supplementary form should be returned direct to the school as the relevant admissions authority.
Applications submitted using the common application form but without completion of a supplementary form will still be considered but the school will be unable to assess the application against the relevant criteria.
Parents/carers should be made aware that they must also complete a common application form; the supplementary form is not regarded as an application in itself. Applications will only be considered if a common application form has been completed and sent to the home local authority.
For an application to be considered as on time, the common application form must be submitted to the home Local authority before midnight on 31 October 2021.
The home address is where the child spends the majority of the time and is living with the person who has parental responsibility and is the main ‘carer’ as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996.
Dorset Council will not accept more than one address as the child’s home address. Where a child regularly lives at more than one address the Local authority will have to reach a conclusion about which should be counted as the main address when allocating places. This will normally be the address where any Child Benefit is paid.
If Child Benefit is not received, then where the child is registered with a medical GP will be used as the address. Where parents are living separately and do not agree on the child’s home address they are urged to reach agreement. If this does not happen Dorset Council will determine the address to be used for allocating a school place.
Dorset Council may undertake checks to ensure that the information provided in the application is true and accurate. Documentary evidence may be requested.
Parents/Carers must inform Dorset Council of any change of address as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in any offer of a place being withdrawn. Documentary evidence will be required before any change is accepted.
Applications may be based on either a current address or a future address. Applications can only be considered based on a future address if that address is appropriately evidenced as at the closing date.
Evidence required for a change of address or a future address will be:
- a solicitor’s letter confirming an exchange of contract dated prior to the national closing date
- a copy of a tenancy agreement (giving property address, date and duration of tenancy) signed by the applicant and the landlord as well as any notice to quit from the previous address. The new tenancy agreements must be signed and dated prior to the national closing date
- a letter from the friend/relative confirming arrangements that the applicant and the child are moving into their home address, with a date confirming the move. The friend or relative is required to provide proof of address such as a council tax bill or a utility bill. This address can only be used by the applicant once they are actually resident
- written confirmation from parents and or carer/previous carer that the child’s residency is changing on a long-term basis
- members of the Armed Services and Crown Servants may submit a posting order as proof of a future address stating the date of the start of the posting
- written confirmation from refuge staff that the applicant and their child or young person has been accommodated in the refuge due to domestic abuse or violence
Where parents share parental responsibility for a child and two applications are received for the one child, Dorset Council will ask the parents to determine which application should be considered.
The other application will be withdrawn.
This is because DC will offer only one school place to a child at any one time. If parents cannot agree, they should resolve the issue through the court system, for example to obtain a 'Specific Issues Order' which specifies which parent has responsibility to make decisions on school preferences.
If no agreement is reached and no Order is made the decision as to which application is accepted will be determined by drawing lots, overseen by a member of staff from Dorset Council Legal Services. The home address will still be the address the child spends the majority of time.