
 Name  Agency Membership Status
 Cllr Graham Carr-Jones (Chair) Dorset Council  Core
 Sup. Richard Bell Dorset Police Core
 Martin Peterson National Probation Service (NPS) Core
 Liz Plastow Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Core
 Cllr Byron Quayle  Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Authority Core
 Oliver Topless Dorset, Devon & Cornwall Probation Core
 David Webb Youth Offending Service Attendee
 John Newcombe Dorset Council Support
 Andrew Billany Dorset Council Support
 Mike Boyle Dorset Council Support
 Sarah-Jane Smedmor  Dorset Council Support
 Andy Frost Dorset Council Support
 Ian Grant Dorset Council Support
 Jenni Boddy Dorset Council   Support
Kay Wilson-White Dorset Council Support


  • Toni Shephard (NPS)
  • Kirsty Claughton (Dorset, Devon & Cornwall Probation)

Members of the group gave their permission for the meeting to be recorded.

No 1

Item Minutes Held on 12 October and Matters Arising

1.1. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 October were agreed with the following correction at paragraph 2.3. The minutes should read ‘Supt Richard Bell reported that lockdown had a significant impact on increased reports of ASB, with reports moderating and returning back to normal levels as restrictions eased.’

2.4 Sexual Offences and Young People

1.2 Supt Bell had provided a response to this which was sent to CSP members prior to the meeting, confirming that although there had been a decrease across the pan Dorset area in Public Protection Notices (PPNs) compared with previous years, there had been a significant increase in referrals to the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). There had also been an increase in Multi-agency Risk Management Meetings (MARMs). Partners working in services for children confirmed there were increases following the easing of the first lockdown.

3.7 Drive Perpetrator Programme

1.3 Ian Grant confirmed the funding application for the Drive Perpetrator Programme, for high risk perpetrators of domestic abuse, had been successful. The project will run for 12 months across the pan Dorset area. If the project proves effective, the group recognised there will be a need to sustain the project after this period.

1.4 The group welcomed the project and asked that the various offers for perpetrators of domestic abuse are clarified. The group noted the work being conducted to look at the amount of funding spent on tackling domestic abuse and possible opportunities to spend this more effectively.

  • Action - Ian Grant

1.5 The remaining matters arising were covered on the agenda.

No 2

Performance Snapshot 

2.1 Jenni Boddy gave an outline of performance trends for Qtr. 2.

2.2 The group noted that total crime had decreased compared with the same quarter last year. It was confirmed that there had been a decrease across most crime types except public order and domestic abuse incidents.

2.3 In relation to domestic abuse Supt Bell stressed that the police were intervening at an earlier stage and taking positive action to prevent abuse escalating. He confirmed there had been an increase in the use of Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) and it was agreed there should be a focus on the effectiveness of these.

  • Action - Strategic Priority Delivery Group

2.4 Partners agreed that it was important to intervene at an earlier stage in cases of domestic abuse to prevent repeat offenders and repeat victims, including using predictive data. The group welcomed the introduction of Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass ensures the police notify a school when they have had involvement with a child due to domestic abuse.

2.5 The group asked whether the proactive work by the police had led to an increase in the number of prosecutions regarding domestic abuse including numbers charged and prosecution success rates. Supt Bell confirmed there are many factors that influence a prosecution of domestic abuse and will provide an update at the next meeting.

  • Action - Supt Bell

2.6 Jenni Boddy outlined the different options for presenting locality performance information. The group asked that the dashboard provides individual locality performance data and comparisons across the locality areas. A guidance tab will also be added which breaks down the definition of the issue, date fields and so on.

  • Action - Jenni Boddy

2.7 The group recognised the importance of context to compliment the statistics. It was agreed the two priority groups should use the data and provide the necessary context. 


The Performance snapshot for Quarter 2 was noted. 

No 3 

Partnership Strategic Assessment 2021/22


3.1 Jenni Boddy introduced the process for determining the community safety priorities for 2021/22. As in previous years, the Management of Risk in Law Enforcement (MORiLE) process will be used to help determine local priorities.


3.2 It was confirmed that the MORiLE  had been completed and it was recognised that some of the community safety issues that scored highly were being led by other partnerships. These included:

  • Killed and Seriously Injured on Dorset Roads is led by Dorset Road Safe Partnership
  • Drug Related Deaths is led by various partnership groups and overseen by Public Health
  • Child Exploitation is a priority for the Children Safeguarding Partnership


3.3 Following the MORiLE assessment and group discussion it was agreed the following should be the draft priorities for 2021/22:

  • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Serious Sexual Offences
  • Rural Crime
  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Acquisitive Crime
  • Fraud


3.4 The group highlighted that some community safety issues were interconnected. For example modern slavery is intrinsically linked with child sexual exploitation and county lines.


3.5 The development of a single Strategic Priority Delivery Group recognised this interconnectivity and enabled a consistent approach to be taken across overlapping priorities. It was noted the Strategic Priority Delivery Group had links to the Children and Adult’s Safeguarding Partnerships/Boards ensuring defined roles and responsibilities and clear lines of communication.  


3.6 Jenni Boddy confirmed the next step was to draft the Partnership Strategic Assessment based on the agreed priorities listed in paragraph 3.3. There needed to be a public consultation regarding the priorities and the group agreed it was important to include young people in that consultation. It was also important that the Strategic Assessment was informed by other needs assessments where relevant. 

  • Action - Jenni Boddy



  • The draft community safety priorities listed under paragraph 3.3 were agreed. 

No 4

Process for Refreshing the Community Safety Plan

4.1 Andy Frost outlined the process for revising the Community Safety Plan for 2021/22. Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) are legally required to produce three-year Community Safety Plans that are revised annually. The Dorset CSP’s current plan runs from April 2020 to March 2023 and the Plan must be refreshed for April 2021.

4.2 It was confirmed the Plan would be informed by a variety of consultations including the Dorset Residents Survey and People Panel. It will also be informed by consultations taken from other partners including the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC).

4.3 The group recognised the importance of engaging with young people and it was agreed a joined-up approach should be taken across partner organisations. Andrew Billany and Sarah-Jane Smedmoor would take this forward within Dorset Council.

  • Action - Andrew Billany / Sarah-Jane Smedmor 

4.4 The final Community Safety Plan would be brought to the CSP for sign off in March. As in previous years, it was agreed the agenda item where the refreshed Plan is discussed and agreed, should be open to the public.

  • Action - Andy Frost

4.5 It was confirmed that although it is a legal requirement for the three-year Community Safety Plan to be formally adopted by Dorset Council, it is not necessary for the Council to formally adopt annual refreshes.


  • The approach to refreshing the Community Safety Plan 2020-2023 was agreed. 

No 5

Annual Scrutiny Report

5.1 Andy Frost introduced this report. He explained that Local Authorities are legally required to have a Crime and Disorder Committee which acts as the scrutiny mechanism for the CSP.

5.2 As a minimum the CSP has to take an annual report to the Committee and this year the annual report will go to the January meeting.  

5.3 The group agreed the report should focus on progress against the Community Safety Plan, include a spotlight on partners’ approach to tackling domestic abuse and a summary of how the Council has responded to recommendations from Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs). The summary of the Council’s response to DHR recommendations had been requested at a previous Scrutiny meeting.

5.4 Feedback on the Committee’s discussion will be given at the March CSP meeting.

  • Action - Andy Frost


  • The approach to writing the annual scrutiny report to the Crime & Disorder Committee was agreed. 

No 6

Update on Changes to the Probation Services

6.1 Toni Shepherd was unable to attend the meeting so it was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.

  • Action - Toni Shephard

No 7 

Progress against Strategic Priorities

7.1 Andy Frost introduced a report that set out progress against strategic priorities.

7.2 It was confirmed the Strategic Priority Delivery Group leads on - modern slavery, county lines, sexual offences, domestic abuse and fraud.

7.3 The group’s action plan had been updated to reflect progress and was attached to the report. One of the areas of focus for the previous quarter had been domestic abuse including the bid for the Drive programme, discussions regarding joint commissioning and the further development of the training framework.

7.4 In the next quarter there was a need to look at a domestic abuse toolkit for frontline practitioners in Children Services and the introduction of Operation Encompass.

7.5 The group was also keen to challenge perceptions and tolerance of domestic abuse in local communities. It was agreed the group would work with frontline practitioners including from the Fire & Rescue Service, Dorset Waste Partnership and South West Ambulance Service, who work closely with local communities, to raise awareness of domestic abuse issues.

  • Action - Strategic Priority Delivery Group

7.6 Supt Bell mentioned that Dorset Police were also looking to work more closely with retained firefighters and was keen on how partners might train staff generally to spot indicators of vulnerability.

7.7 Cllr Quayle, who was Vice Chair of the Fire Authority, offered his support in championing closer working with the Service on these issues.

7.8 The group noted the delivery group’s work was guided by the CSP’s position statement on domestic abuse.


  • Progress against strategic priorities through the work of the Strategic Priority Delivery Group was considered and noted. 

No 8

Progress Against Local Priorities

8.1 John Newcombe presented a report on progress against local priorities overseen by the Local Priority Delivery Group. The local priorities included ASB, public place violence, acquisitive crime and rural crime.

8.2 Membership of the Local Priority Delivery Group includes the Chair of each of the Partnership Coordinating Groups (PCG’s), the County Neighbourhood Policing Inspector, the relevant Community Safety Officer from Dorset Council’s Community Safety Team and partners from Children Services, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service.

8.3 The PCGs are chaired by Dorset Police and use the OSARA (Objectives, Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment) problem solving process to address local issues. Analytical support is being sourced for the groups to direct and support local delivery.

8.4 The group noted ASB, particularly youth related ASB, was a constant theme across the PCGs. Resources for young people had diminished across communities and the Local Priority Delivery Group would welcome an agreed strategic approach to Youth ASB. David Webb asked that ASB data is carefully scrutinised as people’s perception of ASB can vary and supported the need for a strategic approach.

  • Action - John Newcombe

8.5 Concern was raised that the PCGs do not have standard membership and that the governance of the groups could be strengthened. Issues that cannot be resolved at the local group should be escalated to the Locality Priority Delivery Group and then to CSP if needed. It was agreed there would further work to ensure that the PCGs are consistent.

  • Action - John Newcombe


The draft local priority delivery group operational plan was considered and the ongoing work of the various PCGs was noted. 

No 9

Domestic Homicide Reviews Update

9.1 Kay Wilson-White introduced a report that set out progress in relation to Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs).

9.2 The group noted that there had been 13 requests for reviews since they were introduced in 2011 and there were 5 ongoing reviews.

9.3 Kay explained the work of the DHR Action Plan Review Group. The group enabled a more robust and collective approach to the delivery of DHR recommendations and would be responsible for recommending when the CSP should formally conclude a DHR.

9.4 Although the Action Plan Review Group was able to address many of the short-term operational issues highlighted in reviews, some recommendations needed to be taken forward at a strategic level.

9.5 It was agreed this would be dealt with in two ways. Firstly, the Strategic Priority Delivery Group would assess how senior management within partner organisations were made aware of DHR recommendations. Secondly, as many of the strategic issues coming out of DHRs were similar to those within reviews involving vulnerable adults and children, it was agreed that this would also be raised with the Safeguarding Adult’s Board and Safeguarding Children Partnership.

  • Action - Strategic Priority Delivery Group

9.6 It was confirmed the national Statutory Guidance for the conduct of DHRs would be reviewed and the Home Office had confirmed any revised guidance would give further clarity to cases of suicide and DHRs.


All recommendations in the report were agreed. 

No 10

Forward Plan

10.1 Andy Frost confirmed that the Domestic Abuse Bill update and a report concerning Criminal Behaviour Orders would be added to the agenda for the March CSP meeting. Following the discussions at this meeting the incidence of Youth ASB, including the evidence base would be added to the Forward Plan.

  • Action - Andy Frost

10.2 Further work would also be undertaken to see if the changes to the Integrated Offender Management (IOM) scheme needed to be brought to a future meeting of the group.

  • Action - Andy Frost

No 11

Any Other Business

11.1 Andy Frost will work with Jenni Boddy regarding permissions to the Community Safety Dashboard. 

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