If you find a discarded syringe on public land, please report it immediately.

Do not place needles, syringes or any other kind of clinical waste in your rubbish, recycling or food bins, even if they are in a sharps bin.

You can use this form to:

  • report discarded needles, syringes or drug related items in a public place
  • arrange a collection of needles or syringes used for a medical condition

Sharps and drug related items found on private property (e.g. an abandoned house, garden, playing field) are the responsibility of the landowner.

Sharps and drug related items found on educational premises (e.g. schools, nurseries) during working hours should be reported immediately to staff on the premises.

For sharps used for agricultural purposes, please consult your vet or drug supplier for safe disposal options.

Residents with medical sharps should ensure they are kept in a sealed sharps bin. The box can then be returned to GP surgeries for safe disposal.

Drug related sharps should be taken to a pharmacy that provides a needle exchange service.