There are a wide range of loans available to home owners, tenants and landlords to carry out works of repair, improvement or adaptation.
The loans are funded by Dorset Council and administered by the councils partner; ‘Lendology’ Community Interest Company (CIC) (formerly known as Wessex Resolutions CIC). ‘Lendology’ CIC will guide you through the process of applying for a loan, assess your eligibility, how much you could borrow and the loan best suited to your circumstances.
Contact Lendology CIC for an informal chat about the repairs or improvements required to your property and how to apply.
The benefits to getting your home repaired and improved
There are many benefits to getting your home repaired and improved. Read more about how Lendology and Dorset Council work together to help our communities in their most recent Social Impact Report 2020/21.
Type of loans available
Homes Improvement Loans from Lendology CIC
If you’re a homeowner or a landlord and your home is in need of essential repairs or improvements to make it safe and decent, then we have a wide range of home loans available up to £25,000. The eligible works are wide-ranging, so its always worth making an enquiry to see if we can help.
Disabled Facilities Loan from Lendology CIC
If you’re disabled and you are already applying for a Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG); if you want to fund additional works to adapt your home then we have a wide range of home loans available up to £25,000.
Empty Property Loan from Lendology CIC
If you own an empty property which has been classed empty for more than 6 months and is in need of essential repairs or improvements to make it suitable to live in, then we have a wide range of home loans available up to £25,000.
More information on the councils work in this area can be found on our empty homes pages.
Park Home Loan from Lendology CIC
If you own a park home and its in need of essential repairs or improvements, then we have a wide range of Park Home Loans available up to £10,000. The potential eligible works are wide ranging and could include improving insulation, replacing external cladding, repairs to the structure of a park home and installation of gas central heating or other similar heating improvements.
More information on the councils work in this area can be found on our park home pages.
Energy Efficiency Loan from Lendology CIC
If you’re a homeowner or a landlord and you are interested in carrying out larger scale energy efficiency improvements to your home, then we have a wide range of loans available up to £15,000.
The potential eligible works are wide ranging and could include installing Solar Panels, Solar Thermal Systems, Air Source Heat Pumps, Ground Source Heat Pumps, Biomass Heating Systems or Solid Wall Insulation. Its also worth checking what other assistance maybe available.
More information on the councils work in this area can be found on our energy efficiency pages.
See this short video for further information about Lendology CIC: