Parental preference
32. If a child is attending a school on “parental preference” grounds i.e. the school applied for is not the catchment/nearest school (or one of the three nearest eligible schools in the case of extended rights), there is no duty for a Local Authority (LA) to provide transport and the families are responsible for their own arrangements.
33. If a child or young person on an Education Health & Care Plan attends a mainstream school other than their catchment or nearest due to parental preference having that school named on their EHCP, the family will not be eligible for free transport.
Year group full transport
34. If families apply ‘on time’ (based on the nationally recognised deadlines for applications) for the Normal Year of Entry to a School for their catchment school (or in the case where there is no catchment school the nearest school) and are refused due to
oversubscription (referred to as ‘year group full’) transport eligibility may be provided to the nearest suitable school with places available considering efficient use of resources subject to the statutory walking distances.
A school would only be considered unsuitable if there was a physical reason that the child could not attend.
Reasons for this include a boy attending a girl’s school, secondary aged child attending a primary school or a private school to which we do not provide transport.
35. Where an application in the normal year of entry is late, though the application could have been made on time, and an alternative school has to be provided on year group full grounds, then transport provision will remain the responsibility of the parent.
36. A child who has attended an alternative school nominated by Dorset Council (due to year group full or other such reason) will only be eligible to continued transport support at
age of transfer to that pyramid’s receiver school if the child’s catchment area school does
not operate the same age of transfer or they would not have been able to offer a place.
37. Dorset Council has a duty to offer an alternative school place if unable to offer a
preferred/catchment or nearest school. Transport will not be provided to the alternative
Dorset school if there is a closer school in a neighbouring authority which is under the
qualifying distance.
In this case parents will be informed of the space/s available in closer neighbouring school(s).
38. If one child in a family is eligible for transport to a specific school, other than the
catchment/nearest, and remains on roll, transport support will normally be provided for all
other children from the same family unit to attend that same school (until the standard age
of transfer or a change in circumstance).
Moving house
39. Parents are advised to check availability of school places before moving house, as there are no guarantees places will be available at the new catchment or nearest school.
Unless nearer schools do not have places available in the relevant year group, any request
for a child to remain at the existing school upon a house move will be considered as parental preference and, therefore, families will be responsible for making their own transport arrangements.
40. Dorset Council will not provide transport support for children who have been displaced from their home because of family related issues (e.g. family disagreements).
Temporary housing
41. Occasionally, families have to move involuntarily from their established home address to alternative accommodation on a temporary basis. Transport support to a child’s existing school may be considered for a maximum period of two school terms when a family has had to be temporarily re-housed.
42. Agreement to transport support will depend upon the location of the temporary
housing, the age/distance criteria, the basis of the original application (i.e. was the place
secured on in-area or parental preference grounds), the cost of transport and satisfactory
reasons for the loss of the registered accommodation.
Transport support from the temporary address will cease at the end of the two school terms period (unless the cost of providing transport support to an alternative school is greater) or upon a return to the original property or permanent re-housing, whichever comes first.
43. Dorset Council will not provide transport support to those families whose main residence is located in another authority’s area but who have to move to a Dorset based location on a temporary basis (it is assumed that the ‘home’ authority will meet transport support needs if proven).
Changing school for other reasons
44. Applications for transport support following a parents’ decision to change schools
(whether or not the decision is supported/encouraged by the existing or receiving school)
will not be approved unless the school they transfer to is the catchment/nearest school
and/or all avenues of support at the current school have been pursued and the move is
supported by the Alternative Provision Team or the School Attendance Team or other
professional where the request for support may be considered.
Year 11
45. If a family moves house when a child is in Year 11, transport support may be provided if it is sought to enable the child to remain at the existing school, if the following circumstances apply:
- the existing school is a reasonable and appropriate alternative school to which transport can be offered from the new address
- where exceptional circumstances apply, unavoidable reasons for move or the school(s) that serves the area where the new property is located is/are inappropriate
Young carers
46. Children who are registered carers and who receive transport support may be considered for alternative methods of transport if the normal arrangements require the child to be away from home for an unreasonable length of time. (Support from Young Carers Association and health care professionals would be required).
Exceptional circumstances
47. There may be exceptions to the general criteria set out above and these are considered on a case by case basis.
48. If a family has been identified by their Early Help and Education Locality Team as requiring transport support in order to support their needs, it must be confirmed via the
Locality Manager to the Dorset Travel team identifying the reasons and any relevant time
Where a place could be offered in the catchment or a nearer school and there would be no cost, the alternative transport should only be considered on a temporary basis for a maximum of a year. In all cases there will be at least termly reviews.
49. The Education & Early Help Locality Team will liaise directly with Dorset Travel to
commission transport under exceptional circumstances.
50. Transport support may be considered where a temporary, part time timetable is
agreed due to medical needs or reintegration programme. Evidence and the views of
professionals would be required to support such cases.
51. Transport support provided on exceptional grounds will normally cease if a family
move to an area served by a school with places available in the relevant year group.
Alternative provision and managed moves
52. Where a child, through the In Year Fair Access process is referred to a new school
including a Managed Move, then consideration will be given to providing transport.
As part of the allocation of a place, consideration will be given as to whether this is the next nearest appropriate school, or the only other appropriate school for the child to attend.
53. If a Managed Move is agreed as a result of parent making an application, then
transport eligibility will be determined based on the usual eligibility criteria of statutory
walking distance.
54. Where a child is referred to Alternative Provision, including Learning Centres, then
transport will be provided to that setting for the duration of their attendance, or until such
time as it is deemed appropriate that they remain and the setting is over the minimum
statutory distance for their age.
Transport for children attending pre-school settings
55. Transport is not provided for children attending pre-school settings, nurseries,
playgroups etc.
It is the responsibility of families to make their own transport arrangements.
However, if places are available on school transport vehicles, families can apply for a place
through the surplus seat travel scheme.
Post 16 transport provision
56. The Education and Skills Act 2008, states that young people are required to stay in
education, training or enter employment (up to 20 hours while in a part-time training or
education programme) until they are 18.
57. When making decisions about which course, school or college to attend
parents/students must consider:
- the different modes of transport available
- the timings for arrival and departure
- how much it will cost
58. There is no automatic eligibility to free home to school or college transport once a
student is over 16 even if free transport has been provided in the past.
59. Dorset Council is committed to supporting Young People in accessing Post 16
education and training and we advise that Home to School Transport Policy is read in
conjunction with the Post 16 Transport Support Policy 2024 – 2025.
60. Those attending Post 16 education placements can apply for a place under the
Surplus Seat Travel Scheme.
Out of school activities/work experience
61. DC will provide transport support to/from the allocated school only at the beginning
and end of the normal school day.
Families are responsible for meeting the transport needs of children involved in work experience programmes and attending before school activities such as breakfast clubs and after school activities, i.e. sports clubs etc.
Only where a child is travelling individually may it be possible to alter the transport times and these would need to be made in advance with the agreement of all parties and at no additional cost.
If other students subsequently join the transport, transport times may revert to provide transport for the usual school opening and closing times.
Extended schools
62. DC is not responsible for meeting the transport needs of children attending before
school activities such as breakfast clubs and after school activities, i.e. sports clubs etc.
Only where a child is travelling individually may it be possible to alter the transport times
and these would need to be made in advance with the agreement of all parties and at no
additional cost.
The school may be able to arrange with the LA to amend transport times/routes to improve access to before/ after school activities.
If other students subsequently join the transport, transport times may revert to provide transport for the usual school opening and closing times.
Childcare arrangements
63. DC would provide transport support to/from the allocated school only at the beginning and end of the normal school day to a nominated stop relevant to the home address.
If surplus spaces are available, and a childcare provider is on an established route, children may use school transport to transfer to/from the provider at the beginning/end of the school day by arrangement subject to Part 3 of this policy.
Home address
64. A school place can only be based on one address - the home address (identified by
the recipient of Child Benefit or GP registration address).
However, where a child has split residency, transport support will be provided from the nominated home address, subject to meeting the criteria for transport support to be provided as identified above.
Where this is unclear, disputed, or care is split equally and there is no agreement between the parents, the application considered will be that made by the parent at the address identified in the first instance by Child Benefit and if this is not applicable, then by GP registration.
Decisions made in error
65. Where an application for transport support is approved in error, DC will withdraw
the provision as follows:
- where the child is in Year 11 transport will be allowed through to the completion of the academic year
- where the transport support has not yet commenced immediately on discovery of the error
- in all other cases, at the end of the half-term in which the error has been found
66. Where transport is withdrawn, the family may apply for a surplus seat.
67. This policy regularly makes reference to efficient use of resources.
Where a child is eligible for transport support then the Authority will meet those requirements.
However, having regard to all other factors, the Authority will offer the most cost effective solution on a case by case basis and will not authorise alternative transport provision should the family of an eligible child reject the type of transport support being offered. Dorset Travel or their contracted operator is responsible for the assessment and provision of transport support considering best use of resources.
DC will not contribute the costs of the approved transport provision to a proposed alternative.
68. Transport support under exceptional circumstances will only be considered if the cost does not exceed £35 per child per day and other factors covered by this policy have also been taken into account (in exceptional circumstances, this amount may need to be
exceeded for example where infant class size legislation must be considered).
Applicants have the right of appeal against any decision to refuse transport support. This also applies where cost is the only factor which results in a decision to reject transport support.
69. Where a contract vehicle bus pass is provided but lost there will be a charge levied for the administration of replacement of the pass, of £15 for the first loss of the pass followed by payments of £25 for any loss at any time thereafter, subject to regular review.
If the pass is provided directly by the bus company charges may differ.
70. Where transport is agreed either through School Admissions, SEND, Transport Appeal or on the basis of a Safety Audit, the Local Authority will be liable for the cost from 2 weeks from when the authorisation is confirmed with the parent, the date of the appeal hearing or road safety audit, whichever occurs earliest. Any costs previously incurred by the parent will not be subject to a refund.
71. Families experiencing financial hardship could refer to the Transport Appeal process if they have applied and been refused.
Safety of the route between home and school
72. Applicants may submit a request for an audit on the safety of a route between home
and school.
The criteria ruling all road safety assessments are taken from national guidance. If a route is deemed unsafe for a child to walk accompanied by an adult, that route will be disregarded.
A separate policy and procedure is available on Request a safety assessment of your child's walking route to school - Dorset Council
School reorganisations/catchment area changes
73. Area or individual school reorganisations may involve displacing children from one
school or site to another.
In such circumstances, transport eligibility for children whose education has been disrupted will be continued or introduced for a period of three years after the date of implementation.
In addition, the minimum distance at which transport eligibility will be confirmed will be determined on a case by case basis by the Director of Children’s Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services.
74. On occasion DC may decide to change a school’s catchment area.
As a result families may find that the area in which they live is served by a different school.
In such cases children who attend the ‘previous’ catchment area school and receive transport support will continue to receive that support to that school for a period of up to six years following the date of implementation.
75. Where an Own Admissions Authority makes changes to the catchment area –
Dorset Council will review accordingly and decide if the new catchment area will be used
for school transport eligibility (see paragraph 6).
Children in care
76. Admission authorities are required to give Children in Care (CiC) the highest priority
and agree which school best meets the child’s needs and also act in the best interests of
the child.
In accordance with the normal admission allocations process, transport eligibility arrangements for CiC will be the same as for all other children.
77. Transport support for in year applications may be considered in accordance with
the following principles:
- successful applications for catchment/nearest/parental preference schools will reflect the arrangements that apply to all other children
- where a school admits on the recommendation of the Child in Care (Looked After Children) Education Manager (subject to the age/distance criteria) irrespective of the location of and space availability at other schools
- the family or young person is still subject to the stipulations in section 1.1.2.
In year fair access
78. Transport support for applications considered under DC’s (In Year) Fair Access
protocol will be considered in accordance with the following principles:
- successful applications for catchment/nearest/parental preference schools will reflect the arrangements that apply to all other children,
- where a place is allocated by the panel for an alternative qualifying school (to the applicants preferred/catchment/nearest) school, transport support may be provided (subject to the age/distance criteria) irrespective of the location of and space availability at other schools
Traveller children and young people
79. In recognition of the need for greater stability and consistency in the provision of
education for traveller children, transport support will be provided in accordance with a
separate Travellers Transport Policy.