Mainstream schools
All mainstream schools have money for SEND support and resources. The council:
- makes sure there are enough school places for all pupils, including those with SEND
- allocates additional high needs top up funding for pupils whose needs cost more than most other pupils' in the school
All mainstream schools are funded based on their pupil numbers. The amount of funding each pupil attracts into the school varies according to that pupil's circumstances.
Every pupil will attract a Basic Entitlement amount, which varies by Key Stage. Pupils may also attract additional funding into a school if they:
- get free school meals
- live in an area of deprivation
- have English as a second language
- have low attainment
Schools use this funding to make general provision for all pupils in the same school. Some of this funding must be used to support pupils with SEND. This is call the school's 'notional SEND budget'.
How much different educational settings get
- pre-16 special units and resource bases get: £6,000 per place and top up where applicable
- post-16 special units and resource bases in schools get £6,000 per place and top up where applicable
- pre-16 and post-16 maintained special schools, special academies and free schools get £10,000 per place and top up where applicable
- non-maintained special schools get £10,000 per place and top up where applicable
- pupil referral units (PRUs) get £10,000 per pre-16 place
- independent special schools currently sit outside the high needs place funding system
- further education institutions get £6,000 per place per student with SEND placed
What SEND funding pays for
Schools use their SEND funding to pay for things like:
- buying specialist resources and equipment, including simple auxiliary aids like a pen grip to additional specialist software that supports spelling
- employing additional specialist support staff
- professional advice from local area partners such as educational psychologists or speech and language therapists
- arranging specialist staff training