Create an account for new online Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) referrals
Create an account for new online Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) referrals
Create a login
If you are a hospital it would make sense to have a login for each ward.
Click on the link to either Dorset Council, Bournemouth or Poole to request a DoLS.
The first time you do this you will get this screen:
Click on 'create an account'.
Set up your account
This screen will appear:
Enter your email address and a password. This must be at least 9 characters.
Confirm this and click on submit.
You'll be asked for your details. You only need to fill in:
first name
second name
Click on next until you see submit.
You will then go straight into the request for a standard and urgent authorisation.
The second time you log in you will be asked for your username (email address) and password and it will take you straight into request for a standard and urgent authorisation.
When you submit the form it will automatically be emailed to either Dorset, Bournemouth or Poole, depending on which link you started from.
You will also be given the opportunity to save a PDF version of the form, print it or email it from the PDF.
View your previous requests
You can see 'my requests' where your previously logged DoLS are displayed.
When you are logging your request there are a few questions that may direct you to call the DoLS Team at the appropriate local authority. In this instance, you can submit part way through the form and will get a summary of your 'withdrawn request'.