Dorset Council strongly believes that children should be educated with their chronological age group alongside their peers except in very exceptional circumstances.
The purpose of this guidance is to provide schools and Admission Authorities (see "Request or recommendation for pupil to be placed outside his or her normal age group once already enrolled in a school" – referred to as ‘back-yearing’ or ‘deceleration’ section) in Dorset with a framework within which to make decisions about whether or not a pupil should be educated in a group outside his or her normal age group and ensure that those making decisions are fully appraised of the potential high cost and the subsequent negative impact of making such changes to the year group within which a child is educated.
While the final decision rests with the Admission Authority. The head teacher of the school or prospective school will be best placed to advise the Admission Authority on the appropriateness of the proposed course of action.
Parents and carers wishing to request that their child be placed outside his or her normal age group must do so through the head teacher of the pupil’s actual or proposed school.
Placing a pupil outside his or her normal age group can have significant implications for the pupil as he or she moves through schools.
This guidance aims to ensure that full consideration is given to both short and long term impact.
There is no requirement for schools to move those pupils who are currently outside their normal age group. It is suggested that in these circumstances the school should ensure that parents and carers are aware of the possible implications of the pupil remaining outside his or her normal age group. This relates in particular to phase transfers. Some of the possible implications are outlined in the section 'Implications for pupils who are placed outside their normal age group' of this guidance document.