All families should make an application for a reception place for the September after a child’s 4th birthday.
Families may decide that they want their child, who is born after the 1st April, to start school the September after their fifth birthday. This is referred to as delayed entry (Summer Born).
Families should still make an application for the September after their 4th birthday, then discuss with the preference schools their intention to delay entry to reception until after the child’s fifth birthday and once this is agreed with the preferred schools, the family may withdraw the existing application and then make a new application the following year.
Full details of the processes for the admission of children outside their normal or chronological age group can be found in the “Dorset Council – Guidance on placement outside normal age group”.
Where a child is already placed outside their normal or chronological year group and they are due to transfer to the next phase – moving up to Junior, Middle, Secondary or Upper School – then the family needs to discuss with the next school during the academic year prior to when the child who have normally transferred.
Once agreement is reached for an application based on a child’s actual year group – as opposed to the normal or chronological year group – then the family makes an application the following year. Again details are available in the “Dorset Council – Guidance on placement outside normal age group”.