Dorset Council is responsible for the naming of streets and numbering of properties within its area. The aim of this is to ensure that any new street names, building names and numbers are allocated logically and consistently as this enables:

  • emergency services to find a property quickly and effectively
  • post to be delivered efficiently
  • visitors to locate their destination
  • statutory undertakers to connect their services to premises and link them to a postal address for billing
  • reliable delivery of services and goods by courier companies
  • records of service providers to be kept in an efficient manner
  • companies to accept an address for official purposes. For example, insurance, credit rating and contract acceptance

Dorset Council is responsible for the street naming and numbering of all new property developments and roads. This applies to all residential, commercial and industrial properties. See our policy for further information about our service.


Service Fee

Alterations to name or number after initial naming and numbering undertake

£29 per address

Renaming a street      


New street – recover administration costs 

£29 per street

Adding a name or renaming an existing property - recover administration costs 
