This map shows planned and emergency roadworks, as well as public events that could affect traffic and travel. See other travel disruption such as delays and incidents

The map may take a few seconds to load. If nothing is shown on the map, zoom in to see roadworks in your area.

How to use the map

Roadworks map menu icon
Click on the menu icon at the top of the map to open the data layers and turn different information on or off.
Roadworks map location icon
Click on the location icon at the top of the map to show your current location.
Roadworks map calendar icon
Click on the calendar icon at the top of the map to select a different date.

You can also type a location into the 'search' box, or select different date ranges using the 'today' drop-down menu.

Contact us about roadworks

Find out who to contact if you have a question, complaint or comment about roadworks.