We expect you to:

  • arrive at your bus stop at least 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time
  • follow your parents’ instructions about where to go and what to do if the bus doesn't arrive within 15 minutes of the usual arrival time
  • behave responsibly at all times when waiting for, getting on, travelling on or getting off a school bus. If you misbehave, you may be excluded from future travel
  • stay in your seat when the bus is moving as the driver needs to concentrate
  • always have your bus pass with you and show it to the driver when you get on the bus. Don't attempt to travel on buses other than the one on which you have been allocated a seat
  • leave the bus clean and tidy
  • wear seat belts where fitted
  • wait until the bus stops before getting on or off

Do not:

  • cross in front of, or close behind a bus; you must be able to see clearly both ways
  • distract the driver
  • damage seats or seat belts in any way
  • push or shove others on or near a moving bus
  • bully other students or use foul and abusive language
  • smoke on the bus; smoking is not allowed on any school buses

You may be responsible for the costs of any damage or vandalism to the vehicle.

If you miss your afternoon bus, go back to your school and report to the secretary or a teacher.

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