Minerals are an important resource which need to be safeguarded from sterilisation from non-mineral development.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) notes that minerals are essential to support economic growth, and that it is important to secure their long term conservation.

To protect the mineral resource, the Minerals Strategy 2014 includes a mineral consultation area (MCA), within which Local Planning Authorities must consult with the Mineral Planning Authority.

The minerals in Dorset which are safeguarded include: sand and gravel, ball clay, building stone (including Portland Stone and Purbeck Stone), and brick clay.

It is important to safeguard all minerals within Dorset, but of especial importance is the Dorset ball clay resource, which is designated as a nationally important mineral. The area within which ball clay is safeguarded reflects this scarce, high quality resource which needs to be safeguarded.

View Policies Map at Appendix 3 of the Minerals Strategy to identify all of the areas of safeguarded mineral within Dorset.

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