Purbeck District Council submitted the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for examination in July 2013. The examiner's hearing started on 8 October 2013 in the Council Chamber at Westport House, Wareham.

The council prepared the submission version of the  CIL Charging Schedule July 2013 following a series of consultations.  This webpage will be updated with further details as information becomes available.  You are advised to check this webpage regularly for updates.

The Examiner has published his report -  Report on the examination of the draft Purbeck District Council Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule - January 2014

The Hearing

The hearing has been postponed to allow the Council to gather further evidence of the viability of specific schemes and  consult with participants of the Examination. 

Additional Viability Testing

The Council has completed the additional viability testing which is summarised in the consultation paper below together with the toolkits for real site examples: 

NB: After commencing consultation on the worked examples, the Council has spotted some errors requiring explanation.

The Council's affordable housing policy has a threshold of 2 net dwellings on site. Four of the sites tested (1,3,9 and 11) had existing dwellings on before development. When carrying out the original tests on these sites we omitted to credit the sites with 1 dwelling before calculating the amount of affordable housing required to meet the policy requirement. We have re-tested these sites, crediting the sites with 1 market dwelling and re-calculating the CIL contribution. This has resulted in a slight increase in residual value for each site, as they would provide less affordable housing.

There is a drop in CIL from site 3 (Gilbert Road, Swanage) after crediting the site with an existing dwelling and adjusting flat sizes to match those listed in the assumptions. Whilst we had detail of flat sizes, it was not possible to predict which would have been affordable so we opted to use default flat sizes.

The following comments were received:

Purbeck District Council's response to the comments:

All comments have been passed to the Examiner who will decide whether to hold another hearing or deal with written representations.  Following this the Examiner will prepare his report.

Examiner Details

Mike Fox BA (Hons), Dip TP, MRTPI, of the Planning Inspectorate, has been appointed as Examiner. All correspondence for the Examiner should be addressed the Programme Officer.

The Examiner has produced Community Infrastructure Levy Schedule examination briefing notes which includes the procedure of hearing.

Programme Office

Lida Mutton
Programme Officer - Purbeck CIL Examination
Planning and Community Services Section
Purbeck District Council
Westport House
Worgret Road
Dorset, BH20 4PP

Tel: 01929 557273
E-mail:  programmeofficer@purbeck-dc.gov.uk

Examination library of documents

Hard copies can be viewed at the examination library at the council offices. Please contact the Programme Officer to make an appointment. Local libraries have been issued with a CD of the submission and supporting documents.

The  CIL Examination Library provides weblinks to all the documents submitted as part of the examination process including:

Post Hearing documents (including those circulated at the hearing)

Initial questions from the Examiner to the Council and the Council's response:

Additional questions from the Examiner to the Council:

Hearing Statements:


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