This report is one of a series of topic based reports which together constitute the Christchurch and East Dorset Authorities' Monitoring Report.

These reports will be regularly updated. The date that the information was last updated is indicated alongside each table/section as appropriate. Further topic areas can be viewed in the Christchurch and East Dorset Authorities' Monitoring Report.

Flood risk

For the period 2015-2018, no planning permissions were approved in East Dorset or Christchurch that were contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding.

National planning policies and local plan policies (Core Strategy Policy ME6) seek to steer development away from areas of flood risk (zones 2 and 3a) by applying the sequential test. The sequential test does not allow development in areas of flood risk if there are reasonably available sites in areas with a lower probability of flooding.

The tables below show permissions that have been granted in the monitoring years 2015-2018 for new additional dwellings in flood zones 2 and 3a. It should be noted that this excludes applications where part of the site boundary falls within the zones but where the footprint of the building is outside the zone; and it excludes replacement dwellings. As illustrated all these permissions were for changes of use which the national policy exempts from the sequential test. Therefore they were considered to accord with national and local planning policies for flood risk.

Permissions granted (1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016) for additional new dwellings in flood zones 2 and 3a (Christchurch and East Dorset)

Application number Proposal Flood zone Date permission granted Number of new dwellings Comments

Change of use from A3 restaurant/café A3 to C3 (2 flats)




These applications were all for changes of use. As such the sequential test for flood risk does not apply (para 104 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF 2012), so the proposals did not conflict with national and local plan policies with regard to flood risk.


Change of use Hotel (C1) to 9 flats (C3)




These applications were all for changes of use. As such the sequential test for flood risk does not apply (para 104 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF 2012), so the proposals did not conflict with national and local plan policies with regard to flood risk.


Change of use from dental surgery (D1) to dwelling (C3)




These applications were all for changes of use. As such the sequential test for flood risk does not apply (para 104 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF 2012), so the proposals did not conflict with national and local plan policies with regard to flood risk.

Table last updated October 2016

Permissions granted (1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017) for additional new dwellings in flood zones 2 and 3a (Christchurch and East Dorset)

Application Number


Flood zone

Date permission granted

Number of new dwellings




Change of use from A3 (Restaurant and Cafe) to C3 (Residential) to create 4 x 1 bed flats to ground floor with parking and communal gardens (Revised scheme following grant of 8/14/0465)





This application is for a change of use. As such the sequential test for flood risk does not apply (para 104 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF 2012), so the proposal does not conflict with national and local plan policies with regard to flood risk.


Renewal of outline planning approval 8/11/0349 for the demolition of an existing office building and erection of 4No. dwelling houses. All matters reserved.




Outline application 8/11/0349 was approved in 2012. Situation remains unchanged.


Erection of 4 x 1 bed flats, 6 x 2 bed flats, 9 x 2 bed houses, and 11 x 3 bed houses with associated access, parking and bin stores




Mitigation measures on adjoining site would in effect bring this site into flood zone 1 - approach supported by Environment Agency


Erection of a two storey, attached 2 bed dwelling to the end of the existing property on severed land to including parking space and garden




The new dwelling is located wholly outside the flood zone areas and is therefore not subject to the sequential and exception tests as set out in the Core Strategy and LPPF guidelines.


Sever land and erect 1 x 3 bed dwelling with associated access and parking




The extant planning consent for two dwelling houses on the site (following demolition of the existing bungalow -

ref: 8/08/0019) did not include any flood alleviation measures, it is considered that the current proposed development provides the opportunity to incorporate measures which would represent a betterment to the existing approval.


External alterations to the building, construction of a 3rd storey for accommodation to provide six apartments plus associated landscaping works.




The change of use from offices to residential use was "Permitted Development" (prior approval decision 8/16/0074) so it was not subject to the sequential test.

This subsequent application for an additional storey (8/16/2157) was approved 30/12/16.

Table last updated November 2017 

Permissions Granted (1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018) for Additional New Dwellings In Flood Zones 2 and 3a (Christchurch and East Dorset)

Permissions granted (1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018) for additional new dwellings in flood zones 2 and 3a (Christchurch and East Dorset)
 Application number Proposal  Flood zone  Date permission granted  Number of dwellings  Comments 
 8/16/2807/COU  Change of use from B1 office use to C3 use as a single dwelling house with internal alterations, removal of first floor conservatory/sun room and timber framed second floor balcony, and construction of a first floor balcony  3a 11/04/2017   This application is for a change of use. As such the sequential test for flood risk does not apply (para 164 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF 2019), so the proposal does not conflict with national and local plan policies with regard to flood risk.
 8/17/0203/COU  Change of use from A4 (Pub)  to B1 & C3 (office and residential)  3a 01/09/2017   This application is for a change of use. As such the sequential test for flood risk does not apply (para 164 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF 2019), so the proposal does not conflict with national and local plan policies with regard to flood risk.

Table last updated March 2019 using data collected to 31 March 2018

Delivery of improvements to flood defences

Progress of flood management/mitigation/defence schemes listed in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2013

Scheme name Timescale for delivery Progress
Mudeford sandbank to Chewton Bunny CP schemes

2022 - 2028

Not Started

Mudeford and Stanpit FAS

2022 - 2028

Not Started

Christchurch town centre FAS

2022 - 2028

Not Started

Mudeford Quay / Quayhead FAS

2022 - 2028

Not Started

Christchurch Bay beach replenishment scheme

2012 - 2022

Completed 2015

Table last updated March 2019

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

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