Minerals Strategy

The plan contains the policies and criteria which will be used by the Mineral Planning Authority when considering planning applications for mineral developments.

The adopted Minerals Strategy is available to view in two parts:

The Minerals Strategy was adopted in 2014 following an examination into its soundness. See the Inspector's Report and the Sustainability Appraisal Report is also available to view.

Hard copies of the adopted Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Minerals Strategy can be purchased for £20 (plus £3 postage and packaging) by contacting the Environment business support team.

Minerals Strategy Review

A five year review of the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals Strategy (2014) was carried out in 2020, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework. The review concludes that while an update of the Strategy is not currently required, a further review should be undertaken in 2021.


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