A Planning and Development Brief for land west of Christchurch High Street including Druitt Gardens, the Lanes and Cornfactor sites prepared May 2005.

The Christchurch Town Centre Strategy (produced in April 2003) identified Druitt Gardens and the surrounding area as an opportunity to create a cultural focus for the town. It suggested that a Planning Brief be prepared for the area, including a reconsideration of the proposed Lanes development and how this could be used to support the new cultural emphasis being recommended for this part of the town. The Strategy also identifies the redevelopment opportunities offered by such sites as the Post Office site and the Wick Lane and Bank Close car parks.

This draft Planning and Development Brief has been prepared to:

  • Indicate and consult upon the council's proposals for improving and managing Druitt Gardens as a town centre woodland
  • Indicate and consult upon the council's proposals for creating an outdoor performance area within the Gardens
  • Indicate and consult upon the council's proposals for creating better pedestrian linkages through and around the Gardens
  • Provide a framework for the development of The Lanes, the Cornfactor site and the Library and to provide incentives for development, ensuring that proposals conform to local planning and other policies while meeting the needs and aspirations of residents
  • Provide a framework within which improvement to Druitt Gardens and development of The Lanes, the Cornfactor site and the Library, can proceed without prejudicing other longer-term redevelopment opportunities within and around the area

Contact the  Christchurch Planning Policy Manager

The Druitt Gardens Planning, Design & Development Framework

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