The Town Centre Strategy aims to clarify a vision for the development of Christchurch Town Centre over the next 20 years. It provides a framework to manage future changes while protecting the range of high quality heritage aspects. The Strategy was adopted in November 2003.

The key objectives of the Town Centre Strategy are:

  • to clarify a vision for the development of the town centre over the next 20 years
  • to provide a framework to accommodate change whilst protecting the range of high quality heritage assets
  • to examine and make proposals for improvements to the existing transportation network
  • to enhance present levels of vitality and viability
  • to provide a response to PPG6
  • to inform preparation of a Community Plan, together with reviews of the Structure Plan and Local Plan (taking into consideration the introduction of the new planning system)
  • to assist bids for public sector external funding and to attract private sector investments

The Town Centre Strategy is available for download from the right hand side of this page.