The Schedule of Main Modifications to the submitted Core Strategy were available for public consultation between 11 December 2013 and 22 January 2014.

The following consultation documents are still available:

The  Statement of Representations Procedure set out the locations in Christchurch and East Dorset where copies of these documents were able to be viewed.

The Main Modifications highlight the changes made to the Core Strategy Consolidated Version (Submission to the Secretary of State, Submission Document SD28), which is also available:

A schedule of  Minor Modifications has also been produced. These relate to minor textual and grammatical amendments as well as updates to references made to national and regional policy. These minor modifications are published for information only and were not part of this consultation.

What are the Main Modifications?

Following the Submission of the Core Strategy to the Secretary of State in March 2013 for examination, the Independent Planning Inspector has identified some key areas which she considers need to be modified to help make the plan sound. The Inspector has invited Christchurch Borough Council and East Dorset District Council to consult on these before she issues her final report.

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