Exciting improvements ahead for Victoria Road

Dorset Council is due to begin work on 20 January to remove deteriorating planters, trees and benches on Victoria Road, Ferndown, to make way for a new, sustainable planting scheme and functional seating, later in the year.
This project came about thanks to the work of Cllr Cathy Lugg and Cllr Mike Parkes, both ward members for Ferndown. Their initial conversations, which outlined what they wanted to see improved, led to Litter Free Dorset carrying out an engagement exercise where people indicated that they liked the ideas of benches and planters.
Following positive discussions with Ferndown Town Council and teams within Dorset Council, there is now a window of opportunity to start making those improvements a reality as the current benches and planters have deteriorated and are beyond repair. Sadly, the trees contained within the planters are also in decline, with many unlikely to survive.
This marks the start of an exciting new phase for Victoria Road. With Dorset Council’s support, Ferndown Town Council has committed to carrying out the improvements and install new functional seating and planting. Protecting biodiversity will be a key focus of the new scheme, incorporating mature, specially selected trees and sustainable landscaping to ensure the area remains vibrant, welcoming, and environmentally conscious.
Cllr Terry Cordery, Mayor of Ferndown Town Council, said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for Victoria Road to be refreshed and for the people of Ferndown to have access to a more flexible environment which will bring benefits for many years to come.”
Ferndown Town Council will work closely with local businesses and experts to design a flexible, future-ready town centre. This initiative aims to reinvigorate the heart of Ferndown, enhancing it for residents, visitors, and businesses alike.
Cllr Nick Ireland, Leader of Dorset Council, said: “I’m really pleased that this work is starting so early in the new year. The removal of the old, unsightly, and unsafe planters and the decaying trees will make way for a carefully designed landscaping scheme, which, incorporating new seating, will make any visit to Victoria Road a more pleasant experience for people and nature.”
Categories: Highways Environment and Ecology Economy
whilst I understand the need for improvement- removing trees is not the best way forward. Climate change - we are being told will only worsen and the most natural way in dealing with this is to increase the trees not to reduce the road to a treeless concrete state. Even with planters for pollinators will not be for bio diversity. I live in Victoria Road and look onto two of the trees, have you ever stopped and watched the number of birds that use them. They are deciduous trees of course look dead in the wnter but come spring and summer provide a lovely camouflage for the residents who put up with some quite unsavory going ons, out on the street. I personally view the trees of something of a beauty and to treasure. I for one will miss them hughly. Please consider trees in Victoria Road as a must. Thank you for allowing the space to air how I feel.
Thanks for your comment, Vanessa. I have passed your comments to senior officers and the ward councillors for their consideration when looking at the future planting and landscaping scheme. Thank you for getting in touch, we appreciate your views and will ensure they are fed back to the team. All the best, Kirstie