Encyclopaedia Britannica Junior

For ages 6 to10.

To use  Encyclopaedia Britannica Junior online enter your library card number, for example, 001234567A.

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Get homework help and find information about people, browse timelines, and compare countries. It covers most school subjects and has links to the CBBC news website.

Find information quickly and easily by searching Britannica Junior Encyclopaedia, magazines and journals, the Web's Best sites, images and videos. There are also:

  • timelines
  • an atlas
  • an animal of the day

Simply type in a word or phrase and click Go.

Encyclopaedia Britannica Student

For ages 10 to14.

To use  Encyclopaedia Britannica Student online enter your library card number, for example, 001234567A.

Start now

Encyclopaedia Britannica Student is designed for middle/secondary school student where you can:

  • view featured spotlights
  • search biographies and important events
  • find out what happened on different days and year
  • select your own birthday or other dates you want to explore
  • take a guided tour
  • find out how to use the workspace to store information for topics and research

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