Our promise to you

It takes a community to make a difference to the lives of our care experienced children and young people. In making this promise to you, we share our responsibilities by working with people who can help make this happen. We will do this by:

Keeping our word. Being honest, kind, and reliable.

Together we promise to make sure that:

  • we will always be kind
  • we do not make promises we cannot keep
  • we do what we said we would. We will explain why we cannot if this happens
  • we check everyone is doing their job properly and involving you

a pinky promise with 2 hands

Listening to you and involving you

Together we promise to make sure that:

  • you are involved in decisions about you
  • you are respected and listened to
  • you will be supported to tell someone if you are unhappy about something
  • you can speak to someone who does not work for Children's Services if you want to. This could be an advocate
  • you are given the option to to have an Independent Visitor if you would like one
  • we listen to what you and other care experienced children and young people tell us. We will work with you to improve the things that matter

two feet balancing on a tightrope

Working with you

Together we promise to make sure that:

  • we get to know you properly
  • we work together to give you the care and support you need
  • we do our jobs well and ask you how you think we are doing
  • we help you to keep your personal belongings safe
  • we make sure your belongings are moved with you in the right way, if you need to change where you are living

one person lifting another person up

Helping you to be safe

Together, we promise to make sure that:

  • you have a safe and stable home
  • you feel safe in your school, college, and community
  • you are given help to protect you from harm
  • if it is safe to and you want to, we will help you to live with your family. This may be your extended family and not your parents
  • if it is safe and you want to, you are able to keep in regular contact with family and friends

two paper houses brightly coloured in

Supporting you with your health and wellbeing

Together, we promise to make sure that:

  • you are registered with health services. You have help to attend and make appointments if you need it 
  • you can access advice from a dedicated nurse when you need it
  • you are given access to mental health support when you need it 
  • you have access to information about sexual health when you need it 
  • the people who take care of you are able to support you with your health needs

two sets of bare feet in the sea

Supporting you to live your life by providing you with opportunities and activities, and celebrating your achievements.

Together we promise to make sure that:

  • you are told about opportunities, whether you live in Dorset or somewhere else
  • you can go to the activities and the clubs that you want to. You are given help to attend if you need it
  • you are treated like your friends without feeling like everyone knows you are care experienced
  • your achievements are celebrated in a way that is right for you

young boy running with a kite

Helping you to have aspirations for your future

Together we promise to make sure that:

  • you are told about the support and opportunities available to you and how to access them
  • you are listened to and supported with what you want to achieve in the future and whoever you want to be
  • you have access to a good education and you are helped to achieve
  • you know who your designated teacher is at school
  • you are supported to go to university, if that is what you want to do
  • you are given support getting training or a job. You are helped to get there if you need it

a young person cooking

Supporting you to be steady and settled as an adult

Together, we promise to make sure that:

  • you meet your Leaving Care Personal Adviser at 16
  • you can stay with your carers when you are 18, if this is possible and you want to
  • you are given the information you need at the right time, to help you prepare for becoming an adult
  • you are supported to develop and increase your independence at every stage of your life
  • we stay close and you are supported to keep in touch with the people and places that are important to you

a young person's foot and baby feet on a beach towel

If you are reading this and you are unhappy with something, speak to someone you trust like a teacher, carer, social worker, QARO, independent visitor, advocate or your leaving care personal adviser if you are over 18.

If you would like to make a complaint, you can call the complaints team on 01305 225076 and speak to someone about it. You can also email complaints@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.

If you want to share any thoughts or ideas about The Promise, you can get in touch with the Youth Voice Team by calling Kaye on 01305 228213 or you can email youthvoice@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.