The Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019 identifies sites for mineral development to meet the county's needs. Along with the Minerals Strategy 2014, it provides the policy framework for determining planning applications for minerals development.

The Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019 was adopted by Dorset Council and BCP Council (the minerals and waste planning authorities) on 31 December 2019. 

View the plan, supporting documents and adoption statement:

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 - Part 1 - Pages 1 to 64

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 - Part 2 - Submission Policies Map and Inset Maps

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 - Part 3 - Appendices and Glossary

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 Sustainability Appraisal Main Report - May 2019 - Part 1

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 Sustainability Appraisal Main Report - May 2019 - Part 2

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 Cumulative and In-Combination Effects Screening - May 2019

Mineral Sites Plan 2019 Adoption Statement

October 2023: Error in the Mineral Sites Plan 2019

We have noticed an error in the Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019.  

Page 92 of the plan, Section 7 of the Development Guidelines associated with the development of allocation AG4 Woodsford Quarry Extension addresses potential cumulative impacts that could result from the working of this allocation. Under sub-section 7.b. we had originally proposed the use of the word ‘will’ to restrict simultaneous working of the AG6 Hurst Farm and AG4 Woodsford Quarry Extension allocations. The Inspector who carried out the Plan Examination considered it appropriate to introduce greater flexibility into the Plan by changing ‘will’ to ‘should preferably’. 

This change is shown in MM 54 (page 32) of the Main Modifications document

Unfortunately, when the final version of the Mineral Sites Plan was being prepared for printing, including making all the changes that the inspector required, this one on page 92 was missed. The Inspector’s Report and Main Modifications document provide the definitive view of how the plan should read, and take precedence over the text of the printed Mineral Sites Plan 2019.

The correct wording is shown below:

7. Cumulative Impacts

This site, along with AG5 Station Road and AG6 Hurst Farm, together form a cluster of sites in close proximity. The potential for cumulative impacts resulting from the development and working of these sites, together with opportunities for minimising any such cumulative impacts, must be taken into consideration in any decision-making affecting this site.

The potential for cumulative impacts with other mineral or non-mineral development in this area (particularly AG5 Station Road, AG6 Hurst Farm and the already permitted Woodsford Quarry), and existing/proposed housing development, must be taken into consideration. The following requirements are set out in order to minimise cumulative impacts, particularly between AG4 Woodsford Quarry Extension and AG6 Hurst Farm:

a. Although both sites AG5 Station Road and AG6 Hurst Farm are allocated for development, AG5 Station Road should preferably be worked before AG6 Hurst Farm. This will allow AG4 Woodsford Quarry Extension to be worked while AG5 Station Road is being worked.

b. The eastern area of AG4 Woodsford Quarry Extension and the western area of AG6 Hurst Farm will should preferably not be worked simultaneously.

c. When AG4 Woodsford Quarry Extension is worked, the northern and eastern parts of the site should preferably be worked before the southern/western areas to ensure that by the time work begins on AG6 Hurst Farm, then even if AG4 Woodsford Extension  is not finished, the adjacent parts of the two sites would not be worked simultaneously.

Mineral Sites Plan Inspector's Report

The Mineral Sites Plan was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 29 March 2018 for examination, and public hearings took place in September-October 2018, and February 2019.

The Inspector appointed to examine the Mineral Sites Plan found that the Plan provided an appropriate basis for mineral planning in the Plan area, provided that a number of main modifications were made to it.

The Inspector's findings are set out in the inspector's report. The Inspector also set out the main modifications that should be made to the Mineral Sites Plan. These should be read alongside the PreSubmission Draft MSP pages 1-87PreSubmission Draft MSP pages 88 - 98PreSubmission Draft MSP pages 99 - 108PreSubmission Draft MSP 109 - 171PreSubmission Draft MSP pages 172 - 206 

The process of preparing the Mineral Sites Plan including various public consultations and the public examination into the plan can be viewed on the archive pages

County planning, minerals and waste team

Name: County planning, minerals and waste team
Tel: 01305 224289
Full contact details

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