We will work with government, registered housing providers, community land trusts and local housing partners to deliver affordable, suitable and decent housing.  We will seek their support to help us promote our climate and ecological priorities by providing sustainable services such as rainwater harvesting, solar panels and other such approaches.


Sustainable, and suitable housing for all, now and in the future

How we will achieve it
  1. Dorset Council will be working on a new housing strategy, considering all aspects of housing need, demand, supply and quality. This will link with a range of key council priorities and strategies, recognising that good housing is essential for a good life
  2. The housing strategy will support:
  • At least 10 long-term empty properties to be brought back into use for housing purposes, as part of a wider set of initiatives to reduce the number of potential homes remaining empty
  • the build of 1200 new affordable homes by Registered Providers at 400 per year
  • At least 20 new and additional units of temporary accommodation acquired per year, as part of a wider drive to find housing for people and families who are either homeless or in urgent housing need
  • an incremental reduction in households with homeless main/relief duties owed, with a higher proportion of people having their housing need settled earlier, and homelessness prevented
  1. Alternatives will be found to bed and breakfast accommodation for those who are homeless and need short term support. These will be cost-effective and of a decent quality and will cause an incremental reduction in the number of households accommodated in bed and breakfasts. No family will be in bed and breakfast accommodation for greater than six weeks
  2. A continued relationship with Registered Providers of social housing will ensure that the quality of services and accommodation is kept high or improved, with complaints responded to in a timely way. An annual report of performance from all registered provider housing associations with greater than 250 homes in our area will be requested to review performance

Lead role / service:

  • Corporate Director Housing
  • Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety
  1. Dorset Council will be working with government on a strategically based new Local Plan linked to the local transport plan
  2. The new Local Plan will be agreed by 2026 and work on a 30-year plan will be started
  3. There will have been significant progress in developing a new settlement for Dorset
  4. There will be a single planning system in place across the county supported by an increase in public engagement in the planning process and improvements including the redesign of the online register
  5. We will implement planning policy to encourage developers to integrate renewable energy approaches
  6. Homes will have been delivered in line with land supply target and the local plan
  7. All developments will be designed in line with the ‘planning for the future’ white paper and the ‘levelling up and regeneration’ bill

Lead role / service:

  • Corporate Director Economic Growth and Infrastructure
  • Portfolio Holder for Planning


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