Each treasure find is given a reference number which starts with the year the find is reported, for example 2020 T123. Use this number to follow the progress of your case.

This tracker is compiled by our Historic Environment team and reflects our involvement in the reporting and processing of treasure cases from Dorset. We are mainly involved in the initial stages of reporting and identifying the finds and their return if disclaimed.

We are not responsible for the inquest process, valuation or museum acquisition and often receive no information for cases at the later stages of the process. If your case has gone to valuation or is pending acquisition please contact the Treasure team at the British Museum (quoting the case number). Once treasure cases are closed we remove them from this tracker.  

How to report treasure finds

What to do if you have a find of possible treasure.

Finds Liaison Officer

Name: Mrs Ciorstaidh Hayward Trevarthen
Email: finds@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01305 228254
Full contact details

Senior Archaeologist, Promotion and Liaison

Name: Claire Pinder
Email: Claire.Pinder@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01305 224921
Full contact details